Miguel's Australian Colonisation Timeline

By Mlumpan
  • Industrial Revolution 1760-1820

    Industrial Revolution 1760-1820
    The Industrial Revolution is a time when people developed machines to do their handy work. This would lead to poverty and less money because there would be a lot of unemployment. But this would lead to machines being able to help Endeavour.
  • Captain Arthur Phillip

    Captain Arthur Phillip was the first man to get convicts on Australian soil and he colonised the area in name of King George III.
  • American Civil War 1861-1865

    The civil war was a event that made Britain find a new area to put their prisoners, The war was long lasting 4 years and killing much of Britain's soldiers. They went to Australia leading to its colonisation.
  • States

    All the states were formed through time and they weren't here ever since we first came here. The first ever state was New South Wales.
  • The Early Explorers

    These were the first people to find parts of Australia. These consist of Willem Janzoon and Abel Tazman. They were the first British on Australian soil.
  • The Gold Rush

    The gold rush was an event that lead to Australia being multicultural. It was a discovery in gold in many places in Australia that made people from all different countries come to Australia. This also benefited the States' wealth.