Migration and Human Development

By Noah24
  • 200,000 BCE


    Existed 4.5 million years ago
    First hominid
    Located in present south central Africa
    Lived in trees, ate fruits, nuts, maybe a little of meat
  • 200,000 BCE

    Homo Habilis

    Existed 2.5 million years ago, name means able human, they were the first to use stone tools, they created the teardrop shaped axes, allowed them to hunt and process things, next step in our evolutionary chain, they had larger brains which lead to a better knowledge
  • 200,000 BCE

    Homo Erectus

    Lived 1.8 million years ago, they stood upright, out of Africa, they had proportional bodies, they were the oldest known early humans to have possessed modern human-like body proportions with relatively elongated legs and shorter arms compared to the size of the torso. These features are considered adaptations to a life lived on the ground, indicating the loss of earlier tree-climbing adaptations, with the ability to walk and possibly run long distances.
  • 200,000 BCE

    Homo Sapiens

    200,00 years ago. Displace all other forms of “human like” organisms. Like other early humans that were living at this time, they gathered and hunted food, and evolved behaviors that helped them respond to the challenges of survival in unstable environments.
  • 200,000 BCE

    The First Ice Age

    The Pleistocene Epoch, the first ice age, is the time period that began about 2.6 million years ago. This caused the first humans to adapt and learn from the cold conditions surrounding them. It even caused them to move away from the cold. This caused them to seek out new lands.
  • 200,000 BCE

    The Teardrop Axe

    About 2.5 million years ago Homo Habilis created the hand axe. The used other rocks to shape their tool. With a tool in hand they were able to do so much more in their societies. They became more able as their name states. They were able to harvest fruits and other vegetation easier as well.
  • 200,000 BCE

    Leaving Africa

    About 2 million years ago the humans were finally getting sick of Africa. So a band of them decided to venture out into the untouched world. They used the coastline as their guide as it offered food no matter the time. Why did they venture out? Maybe it was because where they were lacked resources or that the human spirit told them to go.
  • 100,000 BCE


    About 1 million years scientist claim that Homo sapiens and meanderthals had controlled fires within their soctities. Having fire opened a whole new world for mankind. It allowed us to grow larger brains and unlock new areas for intelligence. Fire allowed us to have a second stomach as the video stated, fire also allowed us to get further nutrients out of our foods.
  • 74,100 BCE

    Mount Toba Catastrophe

    About 74,100 years ago the super volcano known as mount Toba erupted. It caused all of the world to be covered in ash up until later In the year 76,000. With the conditions being so harsh and there being little sunlight mankind started to die off. Vegetation was no longer to very little of a resource. Mankind had to follow their instinct and do what they did best, hunt and gather what they could. This was a very rough time for humans as they were almost wiped out of existence.
  • 20,000 BCE


    About 20,000 years ago the humans crossed the land bridge into the present day Americas. They sought out resources such as their ever moving heard of livestock that kept them alive. Their food resource took them across the land bridge. They soon populated all over the americas and into southern America as well.
  • 15,000 BCE


    About 15,000 years ago in present day Europe mankind domesticated their first dogs. With dogs by their side they were able to have protection, and a power on the predator side. But the dogs also needed to be taken care of making another chore for the humans in their daily lives. It has been proven that they have become wonderful loyal companions to humans even to this day.
  • 8000 BCE

    Sedentary Life

    Between 8000 and 4000 BCE the people started living sedentary lives. They began life like this due to domestication of animals and plants. With all they need in one area they began to develop deeper understandings of the things they did in their daily lives. It began to be a real civilization.
  • 8000 BCE


    It’s between 8000 BCE and 4000 BCE and the era of hunting and gathering is over. People have discovered farming. Farming opened a whole new gateway to life. With farming people were able to settle down and live sedentary lives. They were able to create a system and practice that in their daily lives. Agriculture also supports 50 to 100 times more people allowing for larger populations. Agriculture revolutionized the way people lived then and now.
  • 8000 BCE

    Neolithic Villages

    As people began settling down in the years 8000 BCE to 4000 BCE the created villages. There were crops growing outside the villages. Villages were surrounded by walls that were usually decorated. Jobs were created within the villages an they became sexualized. More and more tools were created to make their lives easier. Metal also comes into use, for tools and other uses.