Migrant groups in Australia

By Bean13
  • The Germans Arrive

    The Germans Arrive in large numbers during 1838 and they settled in the South Australian area and started farming wheat and dairy items and also farming grapes and turning them into wine to sell.
  • The Afghanistan Cameleers Arived

    The Afghanistan arrived in 1838 and settled up in the Northern Territory. They came to help explore the middle parts of Australia because the main ride animal that the British had where horses but they couldn't survive for a long time in the desert with no food so the Afghans brought camels who where very good at preserving water. They where able to use the cammals to map out the middle of Australia.
  • The Chinese Miners Arive

    The Chinese Miners Arrived in Australia in 1854 and a lot of them settled in New South Wales because there was a lot of gold there. Because the Chinese where a different race there where a lot of suspicious people being racist. The Chinese where gold miners and they brought a lot of machines that revolutionised the gold mineing back then
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    The Japanese Pearl Divers Arrive

    The Japanese Pearl Divers arrived in 1888-1889 and they settled in Western Australia. The Japanese went into the ocean and looked for naturally occurring pearls and the pearl shells. If you weren't a diver then you were most likely a sugarcane farmer.