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Midterm Review Timeline Tessa Boyle, A period

  • Enlightenment

    A philosophical movement of the 18th century, characterized by belief in the power of humanreason and by innovatiers in political, religious, and education doctrine. The state of being enlightened: to live in spiritual enlightenment.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    Shift, beginning in England during the 18th century (late 1700s) from making goods by hand to making them by machines.
  • French Revoluton; Declaration of the Rights of Man

    French Revoluton; Declaration of the Rights of Man
    Statement of revolutionary ideals adopted by France's national assembly.
  • French Revolution; Tennis Court Oath

    French Revolution; Tennis Court Oath
    Pivotal event during the first days of the French Revolution. The oath was a pledge signed by 567 out of 577 members of the third estate during a meeting of the Estates-General.
  • French Revolution; Formation of the National Assembly

    French Revolution; Formation of the National Assembly
    Elected legislature in France during the first part of the French Revolution, 1789-1791. THis group is the third estate. Pass laws and reforms, locked out so they broke into tennis court and took a pledge until new constitution for France. BEcame known as the Tennis court oath.
  • Hatian Revolution

    Hatian Revolution
    Dutty Bookman former slave and voodoo priest organized slave rebellion which is ofter considered the statring point. The revolution burned down fields, sugar process, facilities and homes. Uprising spread qucikly and enslaved individuals from other plantations joined. This led to a revolt.
  • French Revolution; Reign of Terror

    French Revolution; Reign of Terror
    A period of remorseless repression or bloodshed, in particular, the period of the terror during French Revolution. This lasted from 1793- 1794, thousands of people suspected of anti-revolutionary activities or of helping France's enemies were sent to the guillotine.
  • Hatian Revolution; War of Knives

    Hatian Revolution; War of Knives
    Louverture and Rigaud took two main sources. Louverture took cont. north and west, he had black supporters that wanted equality. Rigaud took cont. south, and affranchi didn't want the blacks to have equal rights. This led to war and the war laster over a year. Louverture with the help of British overcame Rigaud.
  • French Revolution; Rise of Napoleon

    French Revolution; Rise of Napoleon
    Napoleon made a lot of changes to France. He made the Napoleonic Code which is a system of laws. Women were given more space, he pushed them back into the homes. 1804 Napoleon made himslef emperor of France.
  • French Revolution; Peninsular War

    French Revolution; Peninsular War
    Contest between France and the allied powers of Spain, the United Kingdom, and Portugual for control of the Iberian Peninsula during the Napoleonic Wars.
  • French Revolution; Congress of Vienna

    French Revolution; Congress of Vienna
    Conference of ambassadors of European states chaired by Austrian statesman Klemens Wenzel von Metternich, and held in Vienna from Sep. 1814 to June 1815. Influence world politics for the next 100 years. THis decreased the power of France and increased the power of Britian and Prussia. Also increased nationalism, the love of your nation.
  • Imperialism; Opium War

    Imperialism; Opium War
    Taken place at sea. Britain refused to stop trading opium to China, there was no choice but war. Breaks out in 1839, Britain had very strong navy nd easily defeated the out dated CHinese ships.
  • Imperialism; Meiji Empire

    Imperialism; Meiji Empire
    All land given to emperor and owned by him. Represenatives sent to foreign countries to study their ways. Japanese chose best societies and militaries and modeled themselves based off that.
  • Imperialism; Berlin Conference

    Imperialism; Berlin Conference
    Meeting at which representatives of European nations agreed upon rules for the European colonization of Africa. Fourteen European nations meet at and decided how to divide Africa. Africans weren't allowed at conference, Europeans divided how they wanted too.
  • Imperialism; Boxer Rebellion

    Imperialism; Boxer Rebellion
    Campaign against Dowager Empress's rule and foreign privilege. The Boxer Rebellion was a failure. WHat emerged from this was a strong sense of nationalism.