The Enlightenment
Enlightenment begins. The Enlightenment occured because manty people wanted to share new ideas. John Locke and Mary Wollstonecraft were two enlightenment thinkers. it occured in Europe. Ideas about government and society were brought up. -
Period: to
midterm reveiw timeline
End of Enlghtenment
elightenment ends -
The French Revolution
The French Revolution was a period when the society wanted reform against the government. Some key people would have been Napoleon and Maximillian Robespierre. The people wanted to reform because of problems with food prices. This event occured in France. -
French Revolution, National assembly
The National Assembly was formed to discuss what was happening in france. It occured in France. People gathered to discuss what was going to happen in France. -
French Rev., Tennis Court Oath
The Tennis Court Oath was a pledge taken by the third estate in France when they were locked out of the conference building. They would go there every day until their demands were met. -
This document was aproved by the national assembly. It gives all men most of the rights they have been fighting for. -
Haitian Revolution
This event occured when the habitants of Haiti wanted to drive out foreign rule such as the French. Some key people were Dutty Boukman and Tousante L'ouveture. The rebellion was sucsessful. -
French Rev., Reign of Terror
A period when Maximillian Robespierre started killing people senselessly to make France "safer". He beleived everyone were enimies of the state. -
Reign of Terror ends
Haitian Rev., War of Knives
The war of Knives was a war between Louveture and Rigaud and Louveture wanted to get rid of Rigaud who contolled the south part of Hati. -
French rev ends
french rev ends -
Haitian Rev., Creation of Haitian Constitution
A document created by L'ouverture that showed all Hatians were free. -
Haitian Revolution ends
French Rev., Rise of Napoleon
Napoleon took over the government illegaly. It was calle a Coup d'taut. He caused many problems for France. -
French Rev. Peninsular War
This event was caused by Portugal becoming angry of the continental system blockade napoleon set up to stop trade with britian -
Peninsular War ends
Congress of vienna
A meeting held by Clemmens Von Metternich to discuss how Euroupe was going to set up boundaries for the continent . Many European country leaders met to discuss. -
China, Opium War
A war between China and Britian to stop opium trade in China. Britian easily over powered China and China lost. Opium trade coninued. -
Imperialism, Berlin confrence
This was a meeting between European Countries to divide up Africa. -
China, Boxer Rebellion
The Chinese rebelled aganst the British to get rid of foreign influence. It was also against the Empress's rule. It failed.