age of reason. knowledge reason hapiness. started britain to france and later the americas. men women phhilosophers -
french revolution: tennis court oath
assembly called the third estate met to write france a constitution. -
french revolution: formation of the national assembly
opposed by the king. the three estates became the national assembly. -
Hatian revolution
successful slave rebelion making haiti a free black republic. hait was a colony of france. -
haitian revolution: bookman revolt
dutty bookman. religious ceremony that was thought to cause an upriseing in haiti. -
french revolution: Reighn of terror
revolutionary government decided to make terror against enemies of the the revolution. (nobles, preists, horders) -
french revolution: rise of napoleon
put into power as leader of france because of his military sucsess. -
haitian revolution: war of knives
conflict between louverture and adversary andre rigaud over control of haiti after defeating forighn forces. -
french revolution: peninsular war
spanish war of independence fought in iberian peninsula where the french were opposed by british spanish and portuguese forces. -
french revolution: congress of vienna
assembly that reorganized europe after the napoleonic wars. -
imprialism: treaty of nanjing
treaty to mark the end of the first opium war between britain and china. britain receives hong kong. -
imperialism: matthew perry goes to Japan
matthew perry comes to Japan with four ships and Japan relized there methods of deffense were outdated. -
imperialism: treaty of kanagawa
a treaty between the US and Japan to open a trade port in Japan. -
imperialism: maiji era
when Japan was ruled by Mutshito. -
imperialism: boxer rebellion
a chinese anti-forighn group nicknamed the boxers took a stand against forighn influence