Midterm Museum Exhibit Project

  • Trail of Tears

    Congress passed the Indian Removal Act, which forcibly removed thousands of American Indians from their homelands in the southeastern United States.
  • Civil War

    emancipation of four million enslaved African Americans. It also brought vast changes to the nation's financial system, fundamentally altered the relationship between the states and the federal government,
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    authorized the President to break up reservation land, which was held in common by the members of a tribe, into small allotments to be parceled out to individuals.
  • reconstruction Treaties

    reconstruction Treaties
    contained amnesty for all crimes committed against the United States prior to the treaties and included specific provisions of peace and friendship toward the United States
  • Oklahoma Land Rush

    Oklahoma Land Rush
    Men and women rushed to claim homesteads or to purchase lots in one of the many new towns that sprang into existence overnight. An estimated eleven thousand agricultural homesteads were claimed
  • Indian Reorganaztion Act

    Indian Reorganaztion Act
    granted a new degree of autonomy to Native Americans in the United States, giving them greater control over their lands and allowing them to form legally recognized tribal governments