History of Music Midterm

  • Period: 500 to 1500

    Medieval Period

    This period is also referred to as the Middle Ages. It is called this because it was the time between the fall of the Roman Empire and the start of the next period. During this time new religious order arose, education expanded, and Gothic architecture was created. A&E Television Networks. (2023). Middle ages - definition, Timeline & Facts. History.com. https://www.history.com/topics/middle-ages/middle-ages
  • Period: 991 to 1050

    Guido of Arezzo's Formulation of the Solmization System

    This was the development of a system that classified musical notes by names inspired by syllables. These syllables are still commonly used to teach beginner musicians.
  • Period: 1098 to 1179

    Hildegard of Bingen

    Birth and Death date: 1098-1179
    This woman was very influential and helped pave the way for women in music. She was spiritual and smart, writing various books on natural healing and medicine. In addition, she was a major composer in the church and wrote Evangelium which is still played today. Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (2024). Patron saint. Encyclopædia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/patron-saint
  • 1322

    Ars Nova Treatise

    Important innovation: writing rhythm
    The Ars Nova notation allowed composers to write rhythms that could not previously be notated. This was a significant factor in the transition from medieval to Renaissance music. Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (n.d.). Ars Nova. Encyclopædia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/art/Ars-Nova-music
  • Period: 1350 to 1550

    Renaissance Period

    This is a period that was very rich in culture. It had a heavy focus on music, art, expression, navigation, and discovery. This was the world's first push towards modernization. This period started in Italy because it was a rich country compared to the rest of world allowing them to spend time on things that entertained the mind like art.
  • 1529

    Martin Luther Chorale "Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott" (A Mighty Fortress is Our God)

    This was a religious writing done by Martin Luther Chorale, and its title translates to "A Mighty Fortress is Our God". This song remind people that God is there to defend them, and they should use him as a weapon for their defense. Mathis, D. (2023, October 6). A mighty fortress is our god. Desiring God. https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/a-mighty-fortress-is-our-god#:~:text=Hedge’s%20second%20line%20says%20God,leads%20us%20forward%20into%20victory.
  • 1539

    Arcadelt Madrigal "Il bianco e dolce cigno"

    This was a classical piece of work composed by Jacques Arcadelt in 1538. To correctly perform it and capture the harmony, a soprano, alto, tenor, and bass are required. Ma, S. (2015, February 12). Il bianco e dolce cigno review. Survey of Music Literature - Spring 2015 Blog. https://fsumul2110.wordpress.com/2015/02/11/il-bianco-e-dolce-cigno-review/#:~:text=Il%20bianco%20e%20dolce%20cigno%20(The%20white%20and%20sweet%20swan,the%20message%20of%20the%20piece.
  • 1567

    Palestrina "Pope Marcellus Mass"

    Legend/Significance: The significance of this piece is that people believe it exemplified that sacred music could be understood clearly in polyphonic music. Legend has it that this mass is why Catholics accepted polyphony in their church. Di Grazia, D. M., & Owens, J. A. (2010). Pope marcellus mass (palestrina). Pope Marcellus Mass (Palestrina). https://www.loc.gov/static/programs/national-recording-preservation-board/documents/Palestrina_Di-Grazia-and-Owens.pdf
  • Victoria "Missa O magnum mysterium"

    This piece of work was composed by Tomas Luis de Victoria in 1592. This piece has four parts and is remembered and celebrated for its ability to evoke strong emotions and make people feel.