Midnight payraise

  • pay raise

    pay raise
    PA increased the pay for people in gov.
  • %

    16% to 34% pay raise depending on the job
  • expenses

    $7,800 a year in vehicle expenses and more than $125 a day for lawmakers who live more than 50 miles from the capital.
  • money

    Legislators’ $81,050 base salary is 50 percent of a U.S. representative’s salary. State Supreme Court justices get the same $171,800 as a U.S. circuit judge.
  • judge

    Pay of Common Pleas judges will increase to about $149,000, from $135,293,
  • act 44

    act 44
    Act 44 was passed in an unconstitutional fashion
  • judges

    1000 judges got pay raises
  • money

    Not only did legislators increase their salaries 16 percent to 34 percent to at least $81,050 more than any state except California
  • swann

    Lynn Swann criticized the court decision
  • more money

    more money
    950$ a month raise