midnight payraise

  • midnight payraise

    midnight payraise
    infamous payraise, when lawmakers voted in the middle of the night to boost their own salaries. http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/harrisburg_politics/The-PA-payraise-10-years-later.html
  • george stilp brings attention to payraise

    george stilp brings attention to payraise
    Gene Stilp, a citizen activist who frequently uses props to make his point, brought his 25-foot-long by 15-foot-high inflatable pink pig to the state Capitol on Monday to protest some recent actions that he considers abuse taxpayers.
  • people angered over payraise

    people angered over payraise
    Newspapers across Pennsylvania continue to publish angry editorials and letters from readers. A radio talk-show host is circulating a petition calling for the repeal of the raises, which also apply to judges and certain top executive-branch officials,
  • governor rendell repeals payraise

    governor rendell repeals payraise
    Governor Rendell signed a repeal of the pay raise after a near unanimous vote for repeal; only House Minority Whip Mike Veon voted against the repeal
  • aftermath of events

    aftermath of events
    Despite the repeal, a total of 17 legislators were defeated in the 2006 primary elections including Senate President Pro Tempore Robert Jubelirer and Senate Majority Leader David J. Brightbill.