Middles Ages Webweb quest 2.0 time line

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    Holy Sepulchre

    Built the magnificent Church of the Holy Sepulchre over the sacred spot in Jerusalem
  • Apr 7, 637


    Jerusalem was surrendered to the Saracens.
  • Apr 7, 1065


    Jerusalem was taken by the Turks
  • Apr 7, 1099

    Founders of the order

    The founding of the Knights Templar was by Bernard of Clairvaux, a member of the Cistercian Order.
  • Apr 7, 1114

    The second Crusade

    The decision was made to attack Damascus and armies were assembled in Acre.
  • Apr 7, 1127

    First Donation

    The first donation of land was given to the Templars by Count Thybaud of Champagne at Barbonne-Fayel,
  • Apr 7, 1128

    First Temple

    Hugh de Payens was granted the land for the first Temple Church in Holborn, London where the original Knights Templar Temple was built. The temple was the first round church
  • Apr 7, 1130

    Rules of the Knights Templar Order

    Bernard set up the order with two main classes of knighthood, the knights and sergeants or serving brethren.
  • Apr 7, 1136

    England king

    Stephen became King of England and the Knights Templar were awarded the wealthy manor of Cressing.
  • Apr 7, 1291


    suffer a huge defeat at Acre
  • Oct 13, 1307

    Friday 13th

    The Grand Master of the Knights Templar, and 60 of his senior knights were arrested in Paris. This day is remembered in history - it is the reason Friday 13th is deemed to be unlucky.