Slavery history timeline

  • 1518

    Middle passage

    Middle passage
    one part of the 3 triangular trade lines from Africa to the United States, was a journey across one ocean to another. It took about 80 days with thousands of slaves and only hundreds of crew members. The slaves would try to fight back for freedom against the crews they would often be killed or thrown overboard during this 80 day journey diseases would develop through out the ship
  • Fugitive slave clause

    Fugitive slave clause
    This law was a law that made it where if the slave was found in a free state the slave would have to be returned to their owner. It was the government's responsibility to find these slaves even if they were in a free state and bring the slave back to his owner. .
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Missouri was admitted by the government as a slave state. Maine was turned into a free state. With that came banning slave trade from the lousiana purcahse lands.
  • Nat Turner’s Rebellion

    Nat Turner’s Rebellion
    This was a rebellion where slaves got a chance at fighting for their freedom and pride. This rebellion was led by Nat Turner, a slave that taught himself how to read and write. The night that this rebellion happened Nat Turner and the slaves that he gathered killed between 55 and 65 people at least 51 of the people killed were white.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The compromise of 1850 was 5 laws that delt with the issue of slavery and slavery territory. These laws cut down on slave trade and made more free states and removed slave trade in states. This law baned slave trade in washington dc.
  • Uncle Tom´s cabin

    Uncle Tom´s cabin
    uncle toms cabin tells the story of how uncle tom went thru slavery. this story tells us how were he was sold. what it was like as a slave in new orleans .
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act/Bleeding Kansas

    Kansas-Nebraska Act/Bleeding Kansas
    It became a law on may 30 1854 when the Kansas Nebraska act repealed the Missouri compromise. This created two new territories one side antislavery the other poroslavory both of these swayed in to vote swaying the states national vote to if the state of missouri was for or against slavory. This soon led to violent uprisings turning into bleeding kansas.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    The Dred Scott Case is how the african american made it to a free state and sued for his freedom of him and his wife and two kids. his case was denied and closed and he was sent back to his owner to work
  • John Brown´s raid

    John Brown´s raid
    John Brown's raid was a plan to take over the Harpers Ferry as a effort to cause a slave revolution in the south states by taking over the united states arsenal at Harpers Ferry
  • Underground railroads

    Underground railroads
    The underground railroads where run by a anonymous group of people slaves would use this to get from the south to a free state without getting caught. this was not a underground railroad it was a group of people who would lead the slaves at nightfall thu houses and forests till reaching their destination at a train station. This group of people only had code names to keep them anonymous. slaves would have a ticket or a fake id for the trains.
  • emancipation proclamation

    emancipation proclamation
    the emancipation proclamation was signed by Abraham lincoln after still being in civil war for 3 years that all slaves in a slave held state shall be set free.