Middle Paleolithic

By jerd1
  • 1 CE

    MIddle Paleolitic Begins - 300tya

    Evidence of some modern human activities start to appear with the advent of AMH, Levallois tools used by the Neanderthals
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    Mousterian tools - 200tya

    Mousterian tools - 200tya
    Neanderthals develop high specialized method for creating flakes smaller and more specialized than Levallois tools
  • 3

    Neanderthal in Europe and East Asia - 130tya

    Neanderthal in Europe and East Asia - 130tya
    Evidence of Neanderthal appear with their advance stone working techniques large brains and bodies highly specialized for cold climate.
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    First Evidence of Neanderthal Art - 130tya

    First Evidence of Neanderthal Art - 130tya
    Perforated eagle talons intentionally manipulated for aesthetic purposes
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    Neanderthal specialized hunting - 100tya

    Neanderthal specialized hunting - 100tya
    Neanderthals use their large brains to develop special hunting techniques. Evidence of Neanderthals driving herds of Mammoths over cliffs is found in the Jersey Islands(then connected to mainland europe)
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    AMH Move North - Before 100tya

    AMH Move North - Before 100tya
    AMH humans migrate out of Africa and genetically mix with Neanderthal
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    Neanderthal become dominate - 80 tya

    Neanderthal become dominate - 80 tya
    Neanderthal populations begins to increase in density all over Europe and Southwest Asia
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    Painted Caves - 65tya

    Painted Caves - 65tya
    Neanderthals create abstract cave paintings in modern day Spain
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    Shattered Spear - 50tya

    Researches discover shattered Levallois tip in an ass's vertebra. The force required for such an event indicates they likely hefted the points onto the shafts of spears
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    End of Middle Paleolithic - 40tya

    End of Middle Paleolithic - 40tya
    The Neanderthal die out likely due to increasingly cold climates and the high specialization of their bodies