Middel ages

Middle Ages

  • 476

    The Fall of the Roman Empire

    The Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Period: 476 to

    Middle Ages

  • Period: 500 to 700

    Rise of the Islamic Empire

  • 600

    Strengthening of the Power of Church

    Strengthening of the Power of Church
  • 600

    Ruraliztion of life to Europe

    Ruraliztion of life to Europe
  • Period: 600 to 800

    Strengthening of the Power of Church

  • Period: 600 to 800

    Ruralization of life to Europe

  • Period: 900 to 1100


  • Period: 900 to 1200

    Romanesque Art

  • 1000

    Contruction Of Castles

    Contruction Of Castles
  • Period: 1300 to 1500

    Gothic Art

  • Period: 1400 to 1500

    Hundred year war

  • 1500

    Black Death

    Black Death