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Middle East Timeline - Jayda Idlett

  • 330 BCE


    Constantinople was the capital city of the Roman Empire, which later became Istanbul
  • 1299

    Ottoman Empire

    Ottoman Empire
    The Ottoman Empire was one of the strongest and longest lasting dynasties in history.
  • Great Syrian Revolt

    Great Syrian Revolt
    (July 1925 to June 1927) The Great Syrian Revolt was an uprising that was supposed to get rid of the French who had been in control of the area since the end of World War One.
  • Creation of Israel

    Creation of Israel
    Israel was officially declared an independent state with David Ben Gurion as the prime minister.
  • Six Day War

    Six Day War
    (June 5 to June 10, 1967) The war was fought by Israel and neighboring states of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria.
  • Black September

    Black September
    (September 1970-July 17, 1971) carried out terrorist attacks against Israeli and Jordanian targets worldwide.
  • The Munich Massacre

    The Munich Massacre
    At the 1972 Olympics, members of the Black September Organization took 11 Israeli athletes hostage, and later exacuted them after a German rescue plan went wrong
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    (Oct. 6, 1973-Oct. 24, 1973) The Yom Kippur War was a war fought by a coilation of Arab states against Israel
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    The Camp David Accords were a pair of political agreements signed by the Egyptian President and the Israeli Prime Minister
  • Iran Hostage Crisis

    Iran Hostage Crisis
    (Nov. 4, 1979-Jan. 20, 1981) 52 American diplomats and citizens were held hostage for 444 days
  • Iran-Iraq War

    Iran-Iraq War
    (Sept. 22, 1980-Aug 20. 1988) The war began when Iraq invaded Iran, and it ended when Iran accepted UN's ceasefire
  • Creation of Palestine

    Creation of Palestine
    Palestine officially became its own state in 1988
  • Persian Gulf War

    Persian Gulf War
    (Aug. 2, 1990- Feb. 28, 1991) The Persian Gulf War was a conflict between Iran and the UN and led by the U.S.
  • Saddam Husseins Capture

    Saddam Husseins Capture
    After 9 years of searching, the US finally found the Iraqi Dictator in a hole with an assult rifle and 750,000 dollars in cash
  • Arab Spring

    Arab Spring
    The Arab Spring was a series of anti government protest, uprisings, and armed rebellions.
  • Iraqi Civil War

    Iraqi Civil War
    ( Jan. 1, 2014-Dec. 9, 2017) The Iraqi isurgency escalated into a war