Middle East Timeline

  • Period: to

    Events of the Middle East

  • Jewish Claims to Palestine

    Jewish Claims to Palestine
    Zionism (the movement for a Jewish homelandin Palenstine) founded by Theodor Herzl. They pointed out that the Jewish people in ancient times lived in Palenstine and needed a safe haven from the Anti- Semantic persecution.
  • 500,000

    By 1938, 500,000 Jews migrated to Palestine
  • Arab oppisition

    Arab oppisition
    Arab nationalists who wanted and Arab Palestaine and Arab ruling classes who feared democracy and the Arab peasents and Nomads who feared the loss of their culture and traditional ways strongly opposed the Jewish migration.
  • Violation of the Belfour Declaration

    Violation of the Belfour Declaration
    Just before WWII, Britain appeased the Arabs by restricting the immagration to Palestine, which the Zionists said was a violation of the Belfour Declaration. (1926 report by British Prime Minister Befour, promising the Jews a homeland)
  • UN takes over Palestine

    UN takes over Palestine
    Palestine's problem was turned to the UN by the British. They decided to end the British Mandate, put Jersulum under International control and seprate Palestine into seprate Arab and Jeish states
  • Independance

    Isreal declared independance
  • Fight for independace

    Fight for independace
    From 48 to 49, the Arabs attacked Isreal, defying the UN. Despite having more troops, Isreal beat them and got more land.
  • Arab hostility

    From 48 to 56, Arabs not only economically boycotted Isreal and Western companies working with Ireal, barred Isreli shiups from the Sues chanel and allowed guerrulla raids aganist border communties of Isreal
  • Sinai Campaign

    Sinai Campaign
    Isreal invaded Egypt to wipe out the guerrilla bases and end the blockade. They quilckly scatted the enemy armies and overran the Sinai Peninsula.
  • Ten years

    For ten years, Isreal was free from raids and to use the Gulf of Aqaba
  • Six day war

    Israelis cut of Arab forces and got the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula to the Suez Canel and t Sharm el Sheikh, making the Gulf of Aqaba for the use of Israeli shipping. abd they gotJordan and Syria.
  • Arab support for the PLO

    The Arab nations unanimously declared the PLO (Palestine Libration Organization) to be the sole representative for the Palestine people.
  • syrian intervention

    Syria sent 15,000 troops into Lebanon under an Arab League mandate to stop the war. War started again in 81
  • The Syrian-Soviet Treaty

    Loking for support, President Hafez al-Assad (Syria) signed a 20 year friendship treaty with the Soviet Union. Soviets provide Syrians surface to air missiles which they dropped in areas near Israeli borders and in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon
  • Assassination

    Anwar al-Sadet was killed by four egyptians who were in a Muslim fundamental group that didn;t agree with Sadet's policy of dealing with the Israel
  • Splits in the PLO

    Isreal invaded Lebanon and forces most POL guerrillas to leave
  • Isreal's 1982 invasion

    After the L. civil war started again, its neighbors became involved. Israelis armed soldiers bombed Beirut in 81 and had a full invasion in 82. Capturing many PLO troops adn forcing evacuation to Tunisia and other Arab countries away from Israel
  • Israeli withdrawal

    Took most of their troops out but left a small security zone in Southern Lebanon
  • Independant state

    Arafat and PNC (Palestine National Council) met to claim Palestine as an Independant "state of Palestine". Arafat actually agreed to Israels existance and like 100 nations said they could. Jersuleum was the capital
  • Kind of peace

    Syrian troops broke into the presidencial palace to remove Christain general Michel Aoun who didn't approve of the new consitution.