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Middle East Summative Project - Syria

By Jun G
  • The Ottoman Empire's Rule over Syria was Ending

    The Ottoman Empire's Rule over Syria was Ending
    The Ottoman Empire is an empire that was ruling Syria from the 16th century. But after the Ottoman Empire entered WWI, the secret treaty with Germany became a very bad choice. Which made the Ottoman Empire fall.
  • The Franco-Syrian Treaty of Independence was Signed

    The Franco-Syrian Treaty of Independence was Signed
    The France-Syrian Treaty of Independence is a treaty that provided Syrian independence from the French authority. This gave Syria to remain independent but gave France military and economic power.
  • Syria became an Independent Republic

    Syria became an Independent Republic
    Since the treaty didn't give official independence to Syria, Syria was used by the British and French Troops during WWII. But shortly after the war ended, Syria official became an independent republic.
  • French Troops Evacuated from Syria

    French Troops Evacuated from Syria
    Since WWII was ended, the French didn't have a reason to remain in Syria. So they chose to evacuate.
  • Syria joined the United Arab Republic (UAR)

    Syria joined the United Arab Republic (UAR)
    Syria and Egypt joined the United Arab Republic and became the United Arab Republic in 1958. But this union didn't last long. In 1961, the union split. In the later 1960s, there were more military coups, revolts, and riots.
  • Period: to

    Six Day War

    This is a war that happened against Arab countries and Israel. This war made almost 10,000 people in the Arab alliance, there were 500,000+ refugees from captured territories, and 800 Israel troops were killed. After the war, Israel earned 7200 square miles of land.
  • Period: to

    Yom Kippur War

    The Yom Kippur war occurred because Egypt and Syria wanted to get back the territory lost to Israel during the Six Day war. Egypt and Syria started attacking on Yom Kippur which is the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. This was a surprise to the Defense Forces of Israel.
  • Bashar al-Assad became President

    Bashar al-Assad became President
    After Hafez al-Assad died in 2000, his son Bashar became president. At the beginning of his presidency, he released 600 political prisoners which gave Syrians hope that their new leader would grant more freedom than Hafez. But within a year, Bashar used threats and arrests to stop pro-reform actions.
  • Ain es Saheb Airstrike

    Ain es Saheb Airstrike
    This airstrike was the first Israeli military operation in Syria after the Yom Kippur War. This attack made 1 person injured and destroyed munitions. It came out to be successful.
  • Syrian Civil War

    Syrian Civil War
    The Syrian Civil War started because of the Anti-Government's "Syrian Spring" protest. Because of this Civil war, around 380,000 ~ 590,000 people have been killed. It's serious because the war is lasting for more than 10 years!