Blaue europe

Middle East and Medieval History

By Elana_K
  • 330

    Byzantine Empire

    Byzantine Empire
    It was the Roman Empire durong the Middle Ages in Constantinople.
    Its also called the Eastern Roman Empire.
  • 510


    A strong military leader who became the first Germanic ruler to convert to Christianity.
    Established a powerful Frankish kingdom that stretched from the Pyrenees in the South West to German lands in the East.
  • 527

    Emperor Justinian

    Emperor Justinian
    He was the Byzantine Emperor
    During his reign he sought to revive the Empire's greatness and reconquer the lost western half of the classical Roman Empire.
  • Apr 12, 610

    Prophet Muhammad

    Prophet Muhammad
    Spiritual and political leader.
    While praying he recieved the revelations from God from the
    Angel Gabriel.
    The relvations were later recorded in the Quran.
  • Dec 25, 622


    The journey of Muhammad and his followers to Madinah.
    It became year 1 in the official calender of Islam.
  • Sep 3, 632

    Abu Bakr

    Abu Bakr
    A wealthy merchant and Muhammad's father in law,
    Was named caliph to Muhammad.
    Under his leadership, the Islamic movement began to grow.
  • Apr 1, 661

    The Umayyads

    The Umayyads
    Led by Mu'awiyah
    Created the Caliphate
    Arab empire spreads throughout North Africa and into Spain
  • Sep 14, 661

    Damascus, Syria

    Damascus, Syria
    Mu'ayiyah moved the capital of the Arab empire from Madinah to Damascus.
  • Sep 14, 742


    King of the Franks and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
    Through his enlightened leadership the roots of learning and order were restored to Medieval Europe.
  • Sep 13, 750

    Abbasid Dynasty

    Abbasid Dynasty
    Capital moved from Damascus to Baghdad.
    Golden age and center of trade.
  • Sep 14, 750

    Golden Age of Islamic Society

    Golden Age of Islamic Society
    It was during the Abbasid Dynasty.
  • Sep 14, 762

    Baghdad, Iraq

    Baghdad, Iraq
    The Abbasids built a new capital city in Baghdad, on the Tigris River, far to the East of the Umayyad capital at Damascus.
    It was located on the caravan route from the Mediterranean Sea to Central Asia.
  • Sep 13, 1055

    Seljuk Turks

    Seljuk Turks
    Hired by the Fatmid Dynasty.
    Began to grow more powerful and conquered Baghdad,
    The Sultan became the political leader.
  • Oct 14, 1066

    William of Normandy

    William of Normandy
    An army of heavily armed knights under William of Normandy landed on the coast of England and defeted King Harold and his soldiers at the Battle of Hastings.
  • Oct 14, 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    Battle of Hastings
    Took place at Senlac Hill
    It was between the Norman-French army of Duke William II of Normandy and the English army under King Harold II.
  • Mar 12, 1088

    Pope Urban II

    Pope Urban II
    Best known for starting the first crusade and setting up the modern day Roman Curia in the manner of a royal court to help run the Church.
    He was one of the most prominent and active supporters of the Gregorian reforms.
  • Sep 19, 1095

    The Crusades

    The Crusades
    A series of religious expeditionary wars blessed by Pope Urban II and the Catholic Church, with the stated goal of restoring Christian access to the holy places in and near Jerusalem.
  • Apr 6, 1199

    King John

    King John
    King of England until his death in 1216.
    During his reign, England lost the duchy of Normandy to King Phillip II of France.
  • Sep 14, 1215

    The Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta
    A document of rights also called The Great Charter,
    Gave written recognition to that fact in was used in later years to strengthen the idea that a Monarch's power was limited,
  • Sep 13, 1258

    The Mongols

    The Mongols
    Nomadic civilization that conquered and destroyed Baghdad.
    Converted to Islam.
    Led by Genghis Khan in North China.
  • Sep 14, 1300

    Cairo, Egypt

    Cairo, Egypt
    The new center of Islamic civilization because of the Mongol destruction of Baghdad.
  • Sep 14, 1347

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The most devastating natural disaster in European History.
    It was spread by black rats infested with fleas carrying a deadly bacteria.
    It spread through France, Spain, Belgium, Luxenbourg, Netherlands, and expanded to Nothern Europe.
  • Sep 14, 1480

    The Spanish Inquisition

    The Spanish Inquisition
    Queen Isabella and the Church established the Inquisition in order to suppress and eliminate any heretics in Spain,
    Heretics- people who had any beliefs different from the Church.
  • Feudalism

    Political and Social system that developed during the Middle Ages, when royal governments were no longer able to defend their subjects.
    It came to be characterized by a set of unwritten rules- the Feudal contract- that determined the relationship between a lord and his vassal.
  • Holy Roman Empire

    Holy Roman Empire
    A varying complex of land in Central Europe.
    Founded by Charlemagne.
    Became quite close to a union of territories.