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Middle East

  • 1922 BCE

    Ottoman dynasty ends

    By the time the Ottoman dynasty ended, they had many major accomplishments. They were the first to use gunpowder in guns and cannons, which helped expand and defend their empire. They built the Suez Canal, and they turned the church Hagia Sofia into a mosque.
  • 1736 BCE

    Safavid dynasty ends

    Safavid dynasty ends
    By the time the Safavid dynasty ended, they had many accomplishments. This includes Shiism becoming the official religion of Persia, having and strong government, and being known for being a major export of raw silk and silk textiles.
  • 1501 BCE

    Safavid dynasty begins

    The Safavid dynasty began with Ismail I. Two other rulers during this empire include Shah Abbas and Tahmasp.
  • 1299 BCE

    Ottoman Dynasty begins

    The Ottoman Dynasty began with Osman I as ruler. One other ruler during this empire was Suleiman the Magnificent.
  • 1258 BCE

    Abbasid Dynasty ends

    By the time the Abbasid Dynasty ended, they had many major accomplishments. This includes having traded with South Africa and west-east Asia, moving the capital to Baghdad, and having great advances in science, math, and medicine.
  • 750 BCE

    Abbasid dynasty began

    Abbasid dynasty began
    The Abbasid Dynasty began with Abul Abbas al (Saffah) as ruler. Later on, Abu Jafar and Harun al-Rashid came into rule.
  • 750 BCE

    Umayyad Dynasty ends

    Umayyad Dynasty ends
    The Umayyad Dynasty ends with many major accomplishments, including the building of Dome of the Rock, the House of Wisdom, being the first Muslim dynasty, and having the start of the Arabic language.
  • 691 BCE

    Dome of the Rock building completed

    Dome of the Rock building completed
    Dome of the Rock was completed after seven years of building.
  • 684 BCE

    Marwān I ibn al-Hakam becomes ruler of the Umayyad Dynasty

    Marwan I came into rule, and was ruler from 661–680.
  • 661 BCE

    Umayyad Dynasty begins

    Umayyad Dynasty begins
    The Umayyad Dynasty begins with Abu Sufyan as ruler. Marwan I then became ruler in 680.