Middle East 2018

  • Suicide Bombings in Baghdad

    Suicide Bombings in Baghdad
    2 suicide bombers killed at least 35 and injured 90 in Baghdad. Every morning construction workers gather in the square to find work and this has been targeted in the past. There had been several other attacks in past week. No terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the attacks but ISIS is suspected.
  • Turkey: Rocket attacks from Syrian enclave kill 2

    Turkey: Rocket attacks from Syrian enclave kill 2
    On February 2nd Syrians launched several rockets into Turkey. 2 people were killed and over 20 more were injured. Since January 20th, 6 people were killed because of rocket attacks. One of those killed was a teenage girl.
  • 16 Killed at Gaza-Israel Border

    16 Killed at Gaza-Israel Border
    On March 16 people and many more were injured when Israeli soldiers used life fire at a protest on the Gaza Israel border. The Palestinians were protesting for their return to their homes which are now in Israel. The United Nations Security Council called for an investigation into the violence.
  • Syrian Airstrike by US, UK and France over Douma Chemical Attack

    Syrian Airstrike by US, UK and France over Douma Chemical Attack
    The US, UK, and France carried out a series of airstrikes against Syria in response to the Douma Chemical attack. In this attack, the Syrian army carried out a deadly chemical attack using nerve agent sarin and killed 70 people. Syrian ally, Russia, claimed that the attacks were staged by British intelligence, and denounced the subsequent bombings.
  • US-Israeli Embassy Opens in Jerusalem

    US-Israeli Embassy Opens in Jerusalem
    The US moved its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This move was a campaign promise of Donald Trump, and was a move that was deferred by Clinton, Bush, and Obama. The contested location sparked a Ghaza revolt, that has made working in Jerusalem so violent that no US men want to work there. This also marked the US siding with Israel in the Palestine-Israeli conflict.
  • Syrian Female Driving Ban Lifted

    Syrian Female Driving Ban Lifted
    As a result of strict adherence to Sharia Law, women were not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia until June of 2018. Sharia law is derived from interpretation of the Quran, which is interpreted to say that women have a “lack of capacity” and therefore need a man to guide them. Women’s rights activists staged a driving protest in May, and were as a result detained. Many of these women remained in jail at the time of the lifting of the ban in June, which came in a decree from King Salman.
  • China Helps Revive Middle East

    China Helps Revive Middle East
    China provided Middle Eastern nations $20 billion dollars in hopes of helping reviving the middle East. They also gave them $106 million dollars in financial aid. Chinese president Xi Jinping provided this amount in hopes to help reconstruct countries like Syria, Jordan, and Yemen. As a result, the trade route between the Middle East and China strengthened.
  • Libya Court Sentences 45 to Death

    Libya Court Sentences 45 to Death
    45 Libyan citizens were sentenced to death and killed by firing squad in Tripoli for killings that happened in 2011. The killings related to the killings made by the former Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. 54 more people were also sentenced to five more years in prison or longer. The picture are Libyan citizens mourning against Moammar Gadhafi during the funeral of one of the Libyan citizens who was killed by security forces.
  • Migrant Killed After Morocco's Navy Fires on Boat

    Migrant Killed After Morocco's Navy Fires on Boat
    A migrant was killed after Morocco's navy opened fire on a boat carrying her and more than two dozen others.
    Speedboat had 25 Moroccan nationalists and 2 Spanish captains.
    The Spanish Foreign Ministry confirmed that two of its nationals had been arrested by Moroccan authorities.
    Morocco’s Interior Ministry said the boat was illegally transporting migrants.
  • Iran Lets Women Go To Men's Soccer Game

    Iran Lets Women Go To Men's Soccer Game
    Iran allowed about 100 women to attend a friendly match between Iran and Bolivia.
    The women included employees of the Iranian soccer federation, members of the women’s soccer team, and female journalists.
    First time in about 35 years that a group of women as such attended a men’s soccer game at Azadi Stadium.
  • A Battle Neither Side Wants Ends Quickly

    A Battle Neither Side Wants Ends Quickly
    The night-and-daylong attack by Hamas, which rules Gaza, and other militant factions terrorized residents in the bustling cities of Ashkelon and Sderot and in smaller communities across southern Israel. Israel responded with waves of airstrikes that pounded military targets and leveled several tall buildings used by Hamas, leaving a number of Palestinians homeless.
  • Egypt Kills 40 Suspected Militants After Deadly Bombing of Tour Bus

    Egypt Kills 40 Suspected Militants After Deadly Bombing of Tour Bus
    Egyptian security forces killed at least 40 people suspected of being militants in North Sinai and Giza, officials said on Saturday, a day after an explosion hit a tour bus, leaving four people dead and 10 others wounded.