Middle east

By gkuhl
  • Jannissaries

    Jannissaries who had helped innovate the Middle East before were now weakening it, they refused to adapt to modern technology. "Janissary." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 24 Feb. 2014. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janissary.
  • Period: to

    Middle east

    Many rebellions were taking place in the Middle East trying to push out the Ottoman Empire and westernize the Middle East. European ideas in education millitary, and agriculture were brought in makeing the Middle East more of a world power and trade center.
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    Egypt was the most important country in the Middle East, many European powers as well as the Ottomans were trying to gain control of Egypt because it was a major trade center.
  • Nepolean invades and takes over Egypt

    Nepolean invades and takes over Egypt
    Napoleon (French) wanted to end British trade with the middle east. He landed 35,000 troops in Egypt and took over Alexandria, Cario and parts of Syria. (1798-1801) "Napoleon Bonaparte." Napoleon Bonaparte. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. http://knarf.english.upenn.edu/People/napoleon.html.
  • Napoleonic wars

    Napoleonic wars
    France sent Napolean to capture Egypt and the Suez isthmus. He was quickly defeated by Egypt and Turkish armies, but got rid of Ottomans for a short time. "Napoleonic Wars." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 27 Feb. 2014. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleonic_Wars.
  • Rebellions Caused the Decline of the Ottoman Empire

    An upsurge of nationalism and political turmoil caused by the Napoleinic wars led to many uprisings. "Middle East Background." Middle East Background. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/oren/inr4204middleeast.html.
  • Muhammad modernizing egyptian military

    He got hundereds of Europeans to work for him. As well as boosting Egypts agriculture he built a modern power out of Egypt. "Muhammad Ali of Egypt." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 27 Feb. 2014. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Ali_of_Egypt.
  • Muhammad Ali westernized Egypt

    Muhammad took over Egypt and brought in ideas from Europe on industrialization and education, as well as agricultureal. Egypt became more dependent on the world economy. "Muhammad Ali, Pasha of Egypt." Eon Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. http://www.eonimages.com/media/734d03c4-3a47-11e0-84c1-bf930eb981b2-muhammad-ali-pasha-of-egypt.
  • Serbia revolted

    Serbia revolted in 1807 and even though they failed they remained restless. "First Serbian Uprising." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 22 Feb. 2014. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Serbian_Uprising.
  • Selim III

    Selim III
    Selim III tried to reform the bureaucracy and modernize, the Janissaries killed him fearing that they would lose power. Later the Sultans adapted and Westernized. "Selim III." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/media/31769/Selim-III.
  • The Eastern question

    The Eastern question
    Europe was forced with the question to destroy the Ottoman Empire or keep it. Because, the Ottoman Empire was no longer a threat they left it so not to risk chaos in the Middle East.
  • Greek War of Independence

    Greek War of Independence
    Britain and France responded aided the Greeks in their war for independence. The Greeks gained lots of support from Europe. "Hellenic American Leadership Council." Hellenic American Leadership Council. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. http://hellenicleaders.com/blog/12-must-see-images-of-the-greek-revolution/#.UxAVfUtX_Ww.
  • Imperialism in North Africa

    Imperialism in North Africa
    North parts of Africa were cut off from the the Ottoman Empire because of Egypt pushing out the Ottoman Empire which freed up North Africa and France took over Algeria in 1830. "Imperialism 1800–1914." N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. http://sparkcharts.sparknotes.com/history/european/section14.php.
  • Greek gains its Independence

    Greeks gained lots of support from Europe and in 1832 the Greeks forced the Ottomens to give them their independence.
  • Persia and Asia

    Persia and Asia
    The same thing that happened in North Africa began to happen in the other parts of the Middle East. The Ottomans were being pushed out.
    "Barron's AP world history book"
  • Britain gains control of the Persian Gulf

    Britain gains control of the Persian Gulf
    Britan made a truce with the native people along the Persian Gulf as they saw that Britian was the biggest power in the area.
    "Barrons AP world history book"
  • Britain and France fought along side of the Turks in the Crimean war

    Britain and France fought along side of the Turks in the Crimean war
    This was the first time since Napoleon's defeat that European powers clashed with each other.
  • Period: to

    Christaian Arabs leave the middle east in large numbers

    The Ottoman Empire as well as other Muslum powers in the Middle East were killing and converting Christians in the area hundereds of Christian families left the Middle East and went to the USA.
  • Increased tension over Egypt and the construction of the Suez Canal

    Increased tension over Egypt and the construction of the Suez Canal
    The construction of the Suez Canal sparked more interest over Egypt because it was becoming a large economic importance.
  • The Balkan Crisis

    The Balkan Crisis in 1876-1878 nearly destroyed the Ottoman Empire. The Balkan crisis was when Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, and Montenegro revolted against the Ottomans and Russia.
    "Barrons AP world history book"