Normal pregnancy full term emergency C section no complications -
First 2 years
Biosocial: By 8 months had all of my teeth, cried alot with teething. Normal development physcialy and cognitively. Psychosocial: My mom stayed home and raised me, dad worked very bonded to my family. My parents were sensitive to my needs. Language acquition normal. -
Early child hood psychosocial
Very social, had the same girlfriend from kindergarten to thrid grade. Use to hug friends goodbye, they were shocked but their moms loved me. I did not like solitery play. -
Early childhood
Biosocial: I became a very picky eater, when I was 5 I broke my leg, I still kept moving. It was discovered I had high cholesterol and high sugar which then I was put on a special diet. I still remember eating the oatmeal,bananas and yogurt. I was very impulsive and broke my leg again. Went to a christian pre-school I was shorter than most.
Cognitive: I used to play hide-n-seek, if I couldnt see them, they couldnt see me (object permanence) I was read to and played with. -
Middle childhood 6 years old to 11.
Biosocial: Played ice hockey, very active. Diet remained healthy.
Cognitive: normal student, did not like schoolwork and would rather have been on the ice.
Psychosocial: Performed great in hockey and advanced to travel, school became less of a focus, friends were on my team, dad coached. Self concept=high in self, low in school. Close in family ties and aware of being youngest child, always had gf and still hugged my friends. Morally I was at the conventional level. -
Psychosocial cont.
Played AAA, then drafted to juniors when I was 16, always had a girlfriend. Had less friends due to competition, close with my family. After six concussions I could not play hockey at the age of 18 and experienced depression. Lost my identity. -
Adolescence 11 to 18 years old
Biosocial: physically well advanced. Loved to sleep and play hockey. Continued to eat healthy, still always had a girlfriend.
Cgonitive:Focused less in school, passed all classes but low grades. Suffered six concussion, memory suffered. i was more emotional and intuitive rather than analytical.
Psychosocial: Peer pressure with only hockey team did not get into drugs or alcohol because of high levels of hockey. Mom and I would argue about school, as I was going to be a professional hockey- -
Emerging adult hood 18-25 years old
Biosocial: Still eat healthy, severe headaches, allergic to gluten. Still fit.
Cognitive: Went to college with no plans for future, was not focused felt lost, then I found nursing.
Nursing became my hockey ive learned how to study and realized highschool was more important than I thought. Now I have a high work ethic, I am being more analytical. Ive embraced my faith and am thankful for all my blessings. -
Emerging adult hood continued
Psycosocial: I have friends no more competition. I have a girlfriend, the one I plan on marrying. She is moving in, in november with me. My self-esteem is based on my work ethic and me as a person.
I still hug, reff hockey games and the money is great and im by the sport I love. -
I plan on being a nurse, getting married and having children. -
Emerging Adulthood Cognitive development
Just like postformal thought I am able to be flexible and solve my problems using metacognition. My time management is focused with a daily to do list. When I was younger I was the stereotypical jock now that has changed, I know alot of athletic people are into education and now that stereotype is broken. My dialectical thought is getting better and empathy is growing. My mother used synthesiss with me since childhood, because of that my faith fits what I believe. -
Adulthood ages 25-65
Biosocial: The aging process will not change my outward appearance based on my parents looking younger than their years. I will not begin reproduction until my wife and I are done with school and in our early years. I am planning on being an example for my children through my actions. I will not drink or do other thigs I do not want my children seeing. -
Late adult hood 65-?
Biosocial: Ageism will not affect me because I am strong enough in who I am.I will continue to exercise. I will continue to do brain activities so atrophy does not affect me. I will eat healthy and take medical procautions. -
Adult hood cognitive
being a nurse I will maintain my cognitive abbilities. School will continue to be in my life until I get my masters in nursing. My parenting style will be love and logic I will handle stress by exercising -
Adulthood Pyschosocial
I will not become stagnant. I will be menturing, teaching and helping others (Erickson). I will also not feel dispair because I will have integrity. I will walk the walk and talk to the talk. I will have a very select few intimate friends and family. My romantic partner and I will grow together as I am comitted to one partner for life. As my wife and I will both be nurses we will not have to worry about retirement. -
Late adult hood cognitive development
I understand my brain will shrink however I will take antiaging. I will embrace my life review and share the wisdom I have gained from my life. I will continue to be active and keeping family/friends close. -
Late adulthood psychosocial
My wife and I will enjoy our retirement time together staying close with family. I will stay busy with my grandchildren. -
Late Adulthood After-Retirement
Biosocial: I am hoping that ageism is not a factor in my adulthood. I plan on growing old but staying young at heart. I will accept the challenges with age, as there is nothing that can be done to stop it.
Cognitive: Being a nurse, I will continue, to exercise my brain.my mother is a writer so when I retire I might tap into the new cognitive development that occurs in this stage of life and write.
Psychosocial: After retirement I will have have more time with my wife and family. -
Late Adulthood After-Retirement continued
Psychosocial continued: As a couple we will stay active and be amazing grandparents. We will live ina condo or stay in our house full of memories and have others mow and take care of the upkeep. -
I view death by thinking about life. I want to live a life that leaves behind a positive legacy. I believe in heaven and a supreme being. My soul will find peace. Of course, I want the good death in the year of 2094. At the end of a long life: Peaceful, quick, in familiar surroundings, with family, without pain. I will make a living will. I do not want my family to make that choice: I will make it for them. My advance directives will be no life support if I am brain dead.