Middle Ages Timeline

  • 476

    The Fall of Rome (1)

    After the Roman Empire was divided in the year 284 it was left open to attack by neighboring peoples. Those peoples were the Huns and the Germanic tribes. The Huns had begun migrating west from Central Asia due to wars breaking out in the region as early as the year 200. By the year 370 they had eventually arrived in Eastern Europe where they began to battle the Germanic tribes sending them fleeing into Roman territory to seek safety. The Romans seeing the tribesmen approaching on their
  • 476

    The Fall of Rome (2)

    territory began to send their military into the borderlands to fend them off. In the year 378 the one of the Germanic tribes known as the Visigoths had taken the city of Adrianople and fought off the Romans. The Romans, unable to handle the waves upon waves of Germanic tribesmen and Huns, slowly began to pull away from the borderlands and eventually pulled their military forces from Britain, France, and Spain. Because of the Romans' retreat in the year 410 a Germanic tribe known as the Vandals
  • 476

    The Fall of Rome (3)

    were able to take over Spain and North Africa. The Visigoths along with the Vandals were eventually able to overrun Italy and plunder the city of Rome. Later, in the year 434, the Hun leader known as Attila began a campaign in which he tried to conquer lands across a large part of Europe sending even more Germanic tribesmen fleeing into Roman territory. Finally, in the year 476 a Germanic tribal leader known as Odoacer ousted the Roman emperor and took control of the western Roman empire marking
  • 476

    The Fall of Rome (4)

    what many consider to be the fall of the Roman empire. Although the Eastern Roman empire would still be flourishing even centuries after this event.
    Source(s) Cited:
    Pearson Digital World History Textbook Pages 169 -170
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  • 732

    The Battle of Tours (1)

    During the decline of the Roman empire in the year 400 all the way to centuries past it's fall in the year 700 the Germanic tribes began to form their own small kingdoms in Western Europe. The most successful of the kingdoms was the one formed by the tribe known as the Franks. In the year 486 the Frankish king Clovis conquered the former Roman province of Gaul. Clovis eventually converted to Christianity to gain favor with both his subjects and the pope who had a great deal of power at the time
  • 732

    The Battle of Tours (2)

    as he was the leader of the Christian Church of Rome. As the tribes were forming their kingdoms in Europe the religion of Islam was forming in the middle east around the year 622 and over a period of 200 years they had eventually built a large empire. The Pope and the Christian kingdoms watched as the Muslims overran the Christian lands of Palestine, North Africa, and Spain, but when a Muslim army crossed into France Charles Martel was able to rally Frankish forces which eventually culminated
  • 732

    The Battle of Tours (3)

    in a battle in which the Christians had triumphed over the Muslims. This halted the Muslims' advance into Western Europe although they still ruled over most of Spain.
    Source(s) Cited:
    Pearson Digital World History Textbook page 194
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  • 768

    The Reign of Charlemagne (1)

    In the year 768 Charlemagne, the grandson of Charles Martel, had become the king of the Franks. A large portion of Charlemagne's 46 year reign was spent fighting various other peoples such as the Muslims, Saxons, Avars, Slavs, and Lombards. This was because Charlemagne had a love for battle and because of his love for battle he became a successful conqueror who was able to reunite a large part of the former roman lands under his rule. In the year 799 Charlemagne aided Pope Leo III in quelling
  • 768

    The Reign of Charlemagne (2)

    the descent of rebellious nobles and in return the Pope crowned Charlemagne the emperor of the Romans on Christmas day in the year 800. Charlemagne wanted to spread knowledge across his empire and he accomplished this by first converting his mostly pagan subjects to Christianity and then educating them in the Latin language. Charlemagne later died in the year 814 and his son Louis took the throne.
  • 994

    William of Normandy conquers England (Battle of Hastings)

  • 995

    The Start of Feudalism

  • 996

    Total Years of the Crusades

  • 997

    The 100 Years War

  • 998

    Joan of Arc Leads The French

  • 999

    The Black Death

  • 1000

    The Age of Vikings (1)

    After Louis' reign as king his sons began to fight for power before finally drawing up the Treaty of Verdun in 843 which divided the kingdom into three regions. Roughly between the years 700 and 1000 the three regions would be bombarded by attacks from different neighboring groups of people. The group from the North were known as the Vikings. The Vikings