middle ages timeline

  • 135

    Barbaric invasion

    Barbaric invasion
    Barbaric tribes came into Rome lands and to steal and found better places to live. There were groups such as Anglo-Saxon, Vandals, Visigoths, and the Huns.
  • 410

    Rome falls

    Rome falls
    Roman empire has split into two pieces. The western roman empire is still ruled by Rome. In 410 ad the Visigoths king attacked Rome for three days.
  • 412

    Eastern Roman Empire continues

    Eastern Roman Empire continues
    Emperor Constantine I made Constantinople. Protective walls were built around the empire to keep it safe. Justinian I wants to reunite the western and eastern empire but cannot.
  • 741

    Muslim invasion halted

    Muslim invasion halted
    Muslims started to conquer the lands from the south. Charles Martel and the Franks king stopped the Muslims.
  • 768

    Charlemagne rules

    Charlemagne rules
    Charles Martel grandson Charlemagne became Franks new king. He want's to spread Christianity. He conquer lands and he extends his faith.
  • 840

    A divided kigndom

    A divided kigndom
    After Charlemagne son died the kingdom split into three pieces. Raids came into western Europe and increased.
  • 871

    Alfred the great of England rules

    Alfred the great of England rules
    Alfred the great defeats the Danes. In 886 he captured London. He signed a treaty and splitting England between him and the Danes
  • 1000

    City state and feudal system

    City state and feudal system
    Rome, Florence, Venice and other towns became city-states. The king gives sections of land to lords and it is called fiefs for exchange for help during wars.
  • 1096

    First crusade

    First crusade
    Religious people go to pilgrimages to visit scared biblical sites. When Seljuk Turk rules they forbid the holy lands. The pope calls for the crusade to stop
  • 1215

    Magna Carta is signed

    Magna Carta is signed
    Rebels oppose king John of England. Now they have no ruler to take King Johns place. They made him sign the magna carta.