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Middle Ages Timeline

By jasjv
  • 507

    Middle Ages ~507~

    Middle Ages ~507~
    Clovis defeats Visogoths at Vouillé.
  • 527

    Middle Ages ~527~

    Middle Ages ~527~
    Justinian 1 becomes Eastern Emperor of Rome.
  • Oct 21, 632

    Middle Ages ~632~

    Middle Ages ~632~
    Muhammad dies, which leads to the expansion of Islam in Mecca, Medina and Hijaz.
  • Oct 21, 771

    Middle ages ~771-814~

    Middle ages ~771-814~
    Charlemagne becomes the sole king of Carolingian after the sudden death of his brother Carloman in 771 and the Holy Roman Emperor on 800 to his death in 814.
  • Oct 21, 1096

    Middle Ages ~1096-1099

    Middle Ages ~1096-1099
    The first Crusade is launched by Pope Urban ll. It was a military expedition by Western Europe to regain its Holy Lands, which were taken in the Muslim conquest; this also led to the rescue of Jerusalem.
  • Oct 22, 1204

    Middle Ages ~1204~

    Middle Ages ~1204~
    Constantinople is captured and sacked by crusaders.
  • Oct 22, 1347

    Middle Ages ~1347~

    Middle Ages ~1347~
    The Black Death appears in Western Europe during a time of economic depression and spreads increasingly until the 15th century.
  • Middle Ages ~496~

    Middle Ages ~496~
    Clovis converts to Catholic Christianity and is baptized by St. Remigius.
  • Middle Ages ~850~

    Middle Ages ~850~
    Vikings sieze Kiev, the origin of Varangian empire of the Rus.
  • Middle Ages ~988~

    Middle Ages ~988~
    Vladimir the Great of Kiev converts into Christianity.