Jan 1, 1234
I get pooed on and catch dysentry
Dysentery was like severe diarrhea that also caused irritation and blood and mucus to come with your stool. Its other names are campaign fever, bloody flux, flux, shigellosis, Green dus and enteron. The entire list of symptoms is severe diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain, constant need to poo, inflammation of intestinal wall, ulceration, blood and mucus in your poo, nausea, vomiting, dehydration and cramps. It is a possibly deadly disease that still exists today. -
Feb 4, 1234
I get beaten up
Doctors in the middle ages were crude and painful. There were 4 types of doctor; Physician, barber surgeon, apothocary and wise woman. the cures were checking bodliy fluids to find whether to make their patient vomit, sweat, bleed, leeches or just hack off the limb the exception being wise women whom used herbs and nature. the cures did not work often and where generally painful. the physicians were the only ones with proper training all the others could join or quit when they wished. -
Mar 7, 1234
I get lodgings
Logings were generally terrible and dirty and cold though they were better then living in a pigsty. It was usally just a house or a inn that has a room rented out. if it was a inn it was probably lively every night with drinking and singing and gambling. they probably leaked when it rained due to gaps in the wood. -
Mar 31, 1234
First 3 monhs
A feast day was a day that is now known as Christmas it involved many celebrations including feasting on boar or boar shaped pies. It didn't matter whether you were poor or rich you would get invited it was a happy day for all to commemorate the birth of their lord. Everything about it was happy the poor and the rich could eat together and somtimes the rich would feel generous and donate to the poor. -
Apr 17, 1234
I get married
Marrige in the middle ages has carried over some traditions to today such as the side of the altar the bride and groom stands on and which hand and finger to put the ring on. Weddings were often polictical arrangements rather than actual love and the brides family had to pay a dowry to the groom in exchange for his marrige to her. after the ceremony there was a massive feast consisting of the bride and groom and their families -
May 14, 1234
I get pooed on again and catch dysentry
Sanitation in the middle ages was terrible and disease bringing. They would just throw their waste out of their windows and into the street. It has changed immensely to modern day mostly because we have toilets. It caused diseases such as dysentery and brought vermin such as plague rats. Excrement did not decay quickly and overall nothing about the middle ages sanitation is actually sanitary. -
Jun 13, 1234
I move into the pigsty
Livestock during the middle ages was well fed being fed the oats and hay the farmers grew. The livestock generally consisted of sheep, cows, pigs, chickens and occasionally a goat. They used the livestock for food, wool and leather, but they sometimes sell them if they need money. The farmers had to tend to their own land as well as the lords in exchange for their land. -
Jun 29, 1234
I go back to lodgings
There were many but slight differences between the rich and the poor’s houses such as the windows of the rich had glass whereas the poor had cloth they had made see through. The floors and kitchens were different as well the rich had tiles and marble as floors and the poor had woven reeds as for the kitchens the poor had their fireplace with no chimney to cook what they grow or kill and the rich had a whole other room. -
Jun 30, 1234
My lodgings burns down
The middle ages showed a step back in technology because there was no fire department of any description if there was a fire everyone would grab a bucket of water and throw it on the fire in an attempt to put the fire out. There were no hoses like today people would just use wells or barrels of water to get their water -
Jun 30, 1234
First 6 Months
There were many celebrations in the middle ages. These celebrations were Christmas, St Valentine's Day, Easter, Good Friday, All Fools Day, Midsummer, Festival of Fire, Lammas, Michaelmas, St Crispin’s day and All Hallows Day. All these festivals consisted of feasting and had something to do with religion. Everyone turned up for these feast because both the poor and the rich brought food so everyone got a large amount of food. -
Jul 26, 1234
I let the pigs out of the sty
Streets in the middle ages can vary and size and pavement depending on whether it is a main street or an alley. If it was a main street it would probably be paved with cobblestone and expand over several meters. If it is an alley it would probably be paved with dirt and I would highly doubt either of them were very clean mostly because everyone would dump the waste out their window and street were used by everyone. -
Aug 29, 1234
my legs get broken
Bone breaking was quite well treated using bandages that have been hardened using egg white, flour and animal fat. They had hospitals in monasteries and you could probably count wise women’s house could probably count as a hospital. The bones would almost always heal cleanly and most of the healing equipment is clean. It seems that setting bones is something the medical community of the middle ages was something they were good at. -
Sep 30, 1234
First 9 months
Life in the middle ages could be hard or easy depending on whether you were poor or rich. Religion was a large part of life. At night when people ate the rich ate well, feasting on mutton and beef whereas the poor saw meat as a rarity. Everything about your life in that time would be dirty (which is the main cause of the plague) because no one bathed or cleaned up, overall it would be pretty terrible.