Middle ages

  • 497


    Was divided in three periods:
    - Early middle ages.
    - High middle ages.
    -Late middle ages.
  • 500

    Germanic tribes control europe

  • 632

    Muhammad dies.

    The prophet Muhammad dies as Islam begins to expand.
  • 700

    Battle betwen Muslims and French people

    French defeat Muslims at the battle of Torus.
  • 800


    Pope Leo third crowns Charlemagne emperor: His Carolingian dynasty rules western Europe until 988.
  • 950

    The first medical school opens in Italy.

  • 1100

    High middle ages.

    Between 1100- 1400 more or less.
    - Feudal system.
    -First crusades.
    -Romanesque art.
  • 1400

    Late middle ages

    Between 1400-1500
    -Development of trade.
    -Gothic art.
    -Black death.
  • 1453

    End of middle ages

    Fall of Constantinople, end of The Byzantine empire and the Renaissance started.