Middle Ages Digital Timeline Assignment

By ALF15
  • 476

    The Fall of Rome

    The Fall of Rome
    As they say Rome didn't fall in a day. A slow and painful fall befell the great empire due to outside attacks and failing of the inner workings, and pillars of the empire crumbled.A decay of quality of life in the Roman empire caused for anger via citizens. It is important to remember this time so as to remember that any nation or empire can fall if one so Reveered as Rome can.
  • 527

    The Reign of Justinian

    The Reign of Justinian
    Justinian I was the Byzantine emporer from 527 to 565. He is known for his work as a legislator and codifier. He was a hardcore believer in Christianity and did his best to supress Paganism and was known for his knack for building.He had an eye for achitechture and this is seen clearly. His most important accomplishment, however was the Hagia Sophia, a church that awed all to lay eyes on it.
  • Oct 10, 732

    Battle of Tours

    Battle of Tours
    The Battle of Tours had been known for stopping the advancment of the Muslim Empire that had already conquored much of Europe.
    This battle lay the start of the Carolingian Empire and Frankish domination of western Europe. This valiant effort by Charles Martel and his men had caused Christanity to continue to thrive. Them defeating the Spanish Moors is believed to be a reason for Christianitys survival.
  • Oct 10, 732

    Battle of Tours

    Battle of Tours
    The Battle of Tours had been known for stopping the advancment of the Muslim Empire that had already conquored much of Europe.
    This battle lay the start of the Carolingian Empire and Frankish domination of western Europe. This valiant effort by Charles Martel and his men had caused Christanity to continue to thrive. Them defeating the Spanish Moors is believed to be a reason for Christianitys survival.
  • 742

    The Riegn of Charlemagne

    The Riegn of Charlemagne
    Charlemagne, also know as Charles the Great was a mediveal emporer who ruled from 742 to 814. His greates accomplishments were uniting most of Western Europe, being the first Holy Roman Emporer, and his vital part in spreading Christianity. His goal; though unaccomplished was to convert all Germanic people to Christianity. Charlemagne proved that you didn't have to die to be a legend as hero tales spread far even before his death in 814.
  • 793

    Age of the Viking

    Age of the Viking
    The Vikings are known for their raids and brutallity often depicted as wearing fur and horned helms. However vikings may not have known they were vikings. When the vikings as a people started is unkown currently but the first known raid was 793 AD, when Norwegian Vikings landed in England. While known for thei raids Vikings expanded knowlege as much as the Romans and Greeks as traders and raiders.
  • Oct 14, 1066

    The Battle of Hastings

    The Battle of Hastings
    The Battle of Hastings is one of the most significant in the history of England. Though to be the last offical invasion of England this battle quickly became very important to the countries history. William Duke of Normandy had killed king Harold and seized the throne from him. Due to the King and his men being unprepared from a previous battle they lost. An exellent plan of sit and wait by William brought them victory and infamy.
  • 1337

    The Hundred Years War

    The Hundred Years War
    The Hundred Years War was a dispute between England and France over feudal rights in Gascony to a battle for the French Crown.Edward III had tried to claim the rule of France as his due to his blood ties. A high number of deaths in France as well as higher taxes caused for a bleak outcome of the 116 year war. Generations fought this war and measures were taken to prevent a repeat.
  • 1346

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The Black Death; a plauge that will forever be remembered. The Black Death started in China and had decimated the army of the Kipchak khan Janibeg in 1347.With troops dieing so rapidly the army catapulted the corpses at their enemies to infectect them and thus started the plauge.During this plauge many died and so trade had slowed and wars were put aside.The Black Death will forever be remembered as one of the worst events of history. https://www.britannica.com/event/Black-Death
  • 1429

    Joan of Arc

    Joan of Arc
    Joan of arc, born Jeanne d’Arc, had started hearing voices at the age of 13 that she was convinced was God. May 1428 Joan(aged around 16) had formed a group who belived her the virgin who was destined to save France. She was taken in 1430 by The Burgundians and was burned at the stake 1 year later for dressing in mens clothing, and heresey. She was known for leading the French army in to victory at Orléans in 1429 and was martyred.
  • May 29, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

    Fall of Constantinople
    The Fall of Constantinople marked the end of the Byzantine Empire as the Ottomans claimed victory. The siege had started April 6 1453 and had lasted a total of 53 days of fighting. The last emporer,Constantine XI Palaiologos, was last seen attempting hand-to-hand combat to defend Constantinople though futile. This had affected trade and not for the better, leaving it worse than it was before.