The Fall Of the Western Roman Empire
This is a very significant moment of history as soon as the western roman empire fell the middle ages started. The Fall of the western roman empire fell because of its own power. As Barbarians were let into Rome as refugees they were mistreated and when the Romans needed the barbarians to come and fight what did they do? They turned on the Romans which led to the fall of the roman Empire. The message that I make is that if you're greedy, karma will come. -
The Battle Of Tours
Apr 2, 742
Charlemagne has a very big significance. He was the first king of Europe, he in fact united 3 countries with Christianity and was the first to do so. He actually had significance on Hitler and Napoleon as they also wanted to rule a united Europe. He was named "Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire'. After his death the empire quickly broke up and fell. -
The Treaty Of Verdun
Oct 14, 1066
The Battle of Hastings
Sep 9, 1087
William The Conqueror
Knights Templar
The Knights Templar were an Elite group of troops that protected people from going across the Jerusalem as many pilgrims were attacked by Muslim owned territories. To us they may as well be the Navy SEALS known across the world as a elite force and there fall was swift and painful. The real reason of there fall is unknown but it may have been linked with denying King Phillip IV of France Additional Loans. All the Templar's have many significance to rebels and armies trying to save there religion -
Magna Carta
Marco Polo
The Hundred Year War
The hundred year war is one of the most interesting and longest battles of all time. It is called the hundred year war as France and England fought from 1337 to 1453. This can relate to nearly all wars but since modern times wars have never been that long. the war start as a matter of greed. When the King of France died without a son Edward III of England thought he had the right to be King of France through his mother which sparked conflict and created this war. -
Black Death
The Black Plague was probably the most devastating plagues that killed millions of people. It was deadly and painful there was no escape from death but now it is easily treatable with inexpensive antibiotics. Since the Black Plague and through to our time there haven't been any major plagues in our modern society. Smallpox was devastating for some but was and never will be as big as the damage caused by the black plague. The Black Death was and always remembered as the greatest plague. -
Jan 6, 1412
Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc is one of the most significant women. Growing up as a peasant girl she got a message from God that she was chosen to lead France to victory in the long war with England. She convinced the Prince at the time to let her lead an Army against the English succeeding in taking parts. Later Joan was captured by the allies of the English and was burnt at the stake at the age of 19. Later she was canonized. Even though her life was short she gives hope to many women in modern society. -
Apr 15, 1452
Leornado Da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci known as the greatest inventor, artist and sculpture ever. He influenced many things that lead up from when he died to right now in 2019. Without him the Wright brothers may not have been able to think about the way planes are made. Wing suits were based of his design of his wing suit of birds. He's designs helped us make helicopters, tanks, parachutes and basically anything that can hover or fly in the air. He has had a long-term effect and will continue to into the future.