Sep 28, 1066
1066 william the conqueror invades england
William argued that Edward had previously promised the throne to him, and that Harold had sworn to support William's claim. William built a large fleet and invaded England in September 1066, decisively defeating and killing Harold at the Battle of Hastings on 14 October 1066. -
Sep 27, 1150
1150 paper is first mass produced in spain
paper is a writing material first invented in ancient china. the first paper making process was first documented in china during the eastern han period. paper making reached europe as early as 1085 in toledo and was firmly established in xativa, spain in 1150. -
Sep 28, 1215
1215 magna carta
Magna Carta Libertatum (Medieval Latin for "the Great Charter of the Liberties"), commonly called Magna Carta (also Magna Charta; "(the) Great Charter"), is a charter agreed to by King John of England at Runnymede, near Windsor, on 15 June 1215. First drafted by the Archbishop of Canterbury to make peace between the unpopular King and a group of rebel barons. -
Sep 28, 1270
1270 end of the crusades
The eighth Crusade was organized by Louis IX in 1270, again sailing from Aigues-Mortes, initially to come to the aid of the remnants of the crusader states in Syria. However, the crusade was diverted to Tunis, where Louis spent only two months before dying. -
Sep 28, 1348
1348 the plague
The Black Death or Black Plague was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, resulting in the deaths of an estimated 75 to 200 million people and peaking in Europe in the years 1346–53. -
Sep 27, 1378
1378 first appearance of robin hood in literature
the opening quote from langlands peirs plowman is robins first appearance in text. sloth suggests songs of robin hood are widely known in taverns, implying he is a popular figure without a literal pedigree. -
Sep 28, 1387
1387 chaucer writes the canterbury tales
eoffrey Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales, a collection of stories in a frame story, between 1387 and 1400. It is the story of a group of thirty people who travel as pilgrims to Canterbury (England). The pilgrims, who come from all layers of society, tell stories to each other to kill time while they travel to Canterbury. -
Sep 28, 1455
1455-1485 war of roses
series of civil wars in england between two families, the yorks and the lancasters for the throne of england. -
Sep 28, 1485
1485 first printing of le morte d arthur
Le Morte d'Arthur was first published in 1485 by william caxton, and is today perhaps the best-known work of arthurian literature in english. -
Sep 28, 1485
1485 first tudor king, henry vii is crowned
Henry VII, was King of England after seizing the crown on 22 August 1485 until his death, the first monarch of the House of Tudor. He ruled the Principality of Wales until 29 November 1489 and was Lord of Ireland. Henry won the throne when his forces defeated King Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field. Henry was the last king of England to win his throne on the field of battle.