middle ages

  • 500

    start of the middle ages

    start of the middle ages
    5th to 15th century began at the collapse of the roman empire
  • Dec 7, 742

    rise of charlemagne

    rise of charlemagne
    aka Karl ruled much of western europe
  • Dec 7, 1054

    the great schism

    the great schism
    split the roman catholic church and eastern orthodox also known as east-west schism
  • Mar 5, 1154

    henry the 2nd

    henry the 2nd
    ruled as the count of Anjou born at Le Mans
  • Jun 15, 1215

    king john and the magna carta

    king john and the magna carta
    dispute over the appointment of the archbishop made to make pease between a hated king and a group of rebels
  • Dec 7, 1250


    better able to go over rough terrain than the chinene one used to move heavy objects
  • Dec 7, 1414

    printing press

    printing press
    johannes gutenberg mass production of books
  • Apr 29, 1429

    joan of arc and orleans

    joan of arc and orleans
    17 year old peasant lead the french into a lot of victories