1453 BCE
The ottoman empire
The ottoman empire captures the city of constatinople, this is a very big signal of the end of the eastern roman empire also know as byzantium. -
1444 BCE
Start of the renaissance
A german inventor called johannes gutenberg start inventing things such as the printing press, this is the signal of the start of the renaissance and the end of the early middle dark age. -
1347 BCE
The black death
The black death come to europe, this is mortal to humans in the middle age and this terrible and very contagious disease will kill about a half of the people in europe. -
1337 BCE
The hundred years war
This huge war have start between the england and france power for and to control of the french throne that implacate a lot of additional power to any of this to powers. -
1206 BCE
The mongol empire
The so know mongol empire is founded by Genghis Khan -
1096 BCE
Start of the first crusade
this is the start of the wars between the holy roman empire and the muslims over the holy land, this is the start of several crusades. -
896 BCE
alfred the great and the vikings
Alfred the great, king of england regrets of sending viking invaders to europe so he make viking invaders to turn back england. -
835 BCE
Vikings and their invasion to europe
Vikings from scandinavian land start their invasion into northern europe land -
800 BCE
Charlemagne , king of franks
Charlemagne is crowned as the holy roman empereror and because a event of unity of most of western europe is considered the father of both the french and the german monarchies -
732 BCE
Battle of the tours
this battle was between the franks and muslims invasors of spain which start a epic battle in the one the franks wins making muslims go back to islam from europe. -
570 BCE
Muhammad is born
Muhammad the last prophet of islam is born -
481 BCE
Clovis become king of franks
Clovis united most of the frankish tribes that were part of the roman province of gaul. he become the responsable to spread christianity in the Frankish kingdom -
476 BCE
Fall of the roman empire
Roman was the ruler of most of europe, until its fall in which they where destroy by germanic tribes that takes power under almost all europe. This is considered the start of the dark ages under europe middle age.