Mid-term project

  • The Indian removal act

    The Indian removal act
    Since the United states was growing they needed more space so Andrew Jackson decided to relocate the land west of the mississippi river and that led to
    the led to the trail of tears.
  • Trail of tears

    Trail of tears
    The natives traveled over 5,000 miles to Indian day which is now Oklahoma. Many of those natives there died due to starvation and sickness but out of all those people the Cherokee suffered the most.
  • The civil war

    The civil war
    The civil war was a war between the North and the South because of the slavery and abolitionist movement, The war was in Indian territories. Many of the tribes had slaves and around that time was lincoln's election which could've ended slavery.
  • The reconstruction treaties

    The reconstruction treaties
    during the reconstruction treaties it was signed by tribes in the Indian territories to abolish slavery and they gave the western half of the Indian territory which also meant there was a loss of a lot of territory which meant dealing with white settlers.
  • The daws act

    The daws act
    In the daw act was the first major white settlement in the territory, It divided up reservation land into individual plots for ownership just to make way for white settlement in Indian territory. The land was also very cheap.
  • Oklahoma land rush

    Oklahoma land rush
    The Oklahoma land rush started when the Indian territory was opened for white settlement in the territory. This would encourage the settlers to stay in the territory and the land was also very cheap.
  • The indian reorganization act

    The indian reorganization act
    This happened because they encouraged the Indian tribes to create their own constitution and to assimilate into white culture which made them a step into the right direction but it still was not good enough.