
Mid-Term Project

  • The trail of tears

    The trail of tears
    The Trail of Tears is the trail some natives had to cross to find new land because they were kicked out of their previous land.
  • The Indian Removal Act

    The Indian Removal Act
    5 tribes resisted adopting white assimilation America needed more land.
  • The Civil War

    The Civil War
    The Union Army against the Confederate States of America.
  • The Reconstruction Treaties

    The Reconstruction Treaties
    Indian Territory was cut in half, and they agreed to let the Union construct two railroads, which involved dealing with more Natives and white settlers.
  • The Dawes Act

    The Dawes Act
    Divided reservation land into individual plots for ownership to make way for white settlement. It was an assimilation tactic.
  • The Oklahoma Land Rush

    The Oklahoma Land Rush
    Men and women rushed to claim land to purchase almost whole towns overnight.
  • The Indian Reorganization Act

    The Indian Reorganization Act
    They presented federal grants to tribes that adopted constitutions. The U.S. wanted the tribes to substitute their government with city board-style governments.