Jan 1, 1038
The early writing describes how the lens work. After this occurred, lens starting showing up more -
Jan 1, 1214
Rodger Bacon
Rodger Bacon knew about lenses but the ones he once knew about were to be held above the text as the page (of a book etc.) was being read. -
Jan 1, 1285
Spectacles are glasses. They were started getting made in 1285. The man who made the spectacles knew all of the parts -
The people who first started out making the microscopes made them so they only had/ could be used by : It could only be used for opaque objects, Had a magnification of about 20X -
Robert Hooke
Robert Hooke looked at a peice of cork and found the term cell once he checked it out with his microscope using 30x power. -
Antony van Leeuwenhoek
Antony studied many different cells, he discovered bacteria, bood cells, and more -
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Antoni learned how to grind lenses and assemble them into simple microscopes to check out different objects, -
New lenses
Achromatic lenses introduced now provide resolution of 1 micron or 1/1000 mm. -
Theodor Schwann and Matthias Schleiden
They found a formal way to propose the cell theory. -
Sold a published copy of a micrograph in France ( one of the first) -
Ernst Leitz
His microscope was made was a revolving mount so he can have 5 objectives. -
August Kohler
He worked out a light source and positons to make sure it is the best way to get a clear image -
Theodor Schwann
Schwann, who came to similar conclusions while studying animal tissues, his conclusion was similar to Schleiden -
Louis Pasteur ( cell theroy)
Studied the cell theroy beyond doubt and solidified the basic steps of the modern scientific method. -
Rudolf Virchow (cell theroy)
He furthermore worked on the work of Schleiden and Schwann by proposing that all living cells must rise from pre-existing cells -
Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska
They created the first electron microscope -
Scanning Microscopes
Scanning laser confocal microscope is commercially available.
Scanning Probe Microscope is invented and works by measuring current