Infancy Phonology-Birth
Reflexive sounds; Including crying and fussing. Vegetative sounds; including sneezing, coughing, and burping. Ethan is exhibiting all the reflexive and vegetative sounds with corresponding facial expressions. He cries and fusses when hungry or in need of a diaper change. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r16SvgaWkAc -
Infancy Semantics-Birth
Reacts to loud sounds. Ex: Jumps when dog barks loudly. -
Infancy Pragmatics- Birth
Prefers infant directed speech such as motherese and shows intrest in parents.
(start video at 0:20) -
Infancy Phonology-4 Months
-Squils, growels, vowel-like sounds such as "aah" and/or "ooh"
-Starts to produce vowel glides like "eeeey"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MURvy4cpuc -
Infancy Semantics- 4 Months
Ethan can recognize when being talked to versus an accidental action/sound such as pans dropping on the floor and/or the doorbell ringing.
-In this video the baby acknowledges when the dog is barking and finds it funny. -
Infancy Pragmatics- 4 Months
Recognizes own name.
Ex: smiles when mom says his name and shows intent when Ethan sees familiar faces. -
Infancy Phonology- 8 Months
-Babbling with vowel and constonant like sounds
-Reduplication: CV syllables like "ma ma ma"
-Non-Reduplication: "da ma go ga"
-He perfers nasal sounds. Ex: /n/, /m/
-Reacts to native language
-This video shows reduplication as well as the baby being comfortable saying the /m/ phonome but not /d/ for "da da da" -
Infancy Semantics- 8 Months
Mom hides favorite toy behind the couch and baby begins to look around for it. -
Infancy Pragmatics- 8 Months
Intentional communication through non-verbal gestures such as grabbing, tugging, tapping to get attention, waving hey/bye, and signing more to communicate their wants. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJ_VXilagyU
(start video at 0:15) -
Infancy Phonology- 12 Months
-Uses Jargon= 2 syllables and 2 different consonants. Jargon incorporates stress and innotation patterns. (May sound like questions, commands, exlamations even when words are unrecognizable.)
-Dipthongs. Ex: "Boy" and "Toy"
-Complex syllable forms. Ex: CV- "am" and CCV- "Stee" -
Infancy Semantics- 12 Months
-When mom says "Let's put your shoes on," Ethan then understands to get his shoes and tries to put them on.
-Has said his first word "mama" but can understand about 10 words. -
Infancy Pragmatics- 12 Months
-Imparative pointing. Ex: Pointing at a ball for his mom to get him.
-Utter first true word "mama" -
Toodlerhood Phonology-13 Months
Mainly single word utterances with most speech being unintelligible. Most words are single nouns. For example; Ethan can say kitty, doggy, bird etc. (some errors in production)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxYUk61FTq4 -
Toddlerhood Semantics- 13 Months
Around 12-13 moths Ethan has now said his first word! "Mama"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoWA-tBe3TM -
Toddlerhood Pragmatics- 13 Months
Ethan uses referential gestures like rubbing his eyes and being fussy when he is tired and ready for bed or a nap. -
Toddlerhood Phonology- 20 Months
Ethan is starting to use -ing words such as swinging and eating. He also has an MLU around 1.62
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jznWzD9FEY -
Toddlerhood Semantics- 20 Months
His vocab has grown to about 50 words and is using verbs and adjectives such as "walking" and "fast"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gezvw-k0rKg -
Toddlerhood Pragmatics- 20 Months
He can use gesture-word combinations to communicate wants and needs. He can look and point to what he is wanting. He can point to the bottle when he is thirsty. -
Toodlerhood Phonology- 28 Months
Ethan's speech is starting to become more intelligible and clear. He has also mastered the -ing words at this point but still show some phonological processes such as final constant omission and substitution. He says "boa" instead of the word "boat" -
Toddlerhood Semantics- 28 Months
Ethan is overgeneralizing and calls any kind of drink milk. For example; He says milk while pointing the juice he wants. -
Toddlerhood Pragmatics- 28 Months
Ethan is able to start conversations and is able to change and discuss different topics. For example; Ethan: "What's that?" Mom: "It's a pencil, to write with." Ethan: "Can I use it to color?" -
Toddlerhood Phonology- 36 Months
His MLU has increases to about 3 and he is able to talk and hold a conversation with 80% intelligibility. The phonological processes he displayed earlier are beginning to diminish. -
Toddler Semantics- 36 Months
Ethan is starting to ask simple questions like "What's that?" He can comprehend about 900 words and is able to express about 500 words. -
Toddlerhood Pragmatics- 36 Months
Ethan is able to clarify when needed and request clarification for himself. Example: Mom asks him to put away his toy, and Ethan asks "what toy?" -
Preschool Phonology- 37 Months
-Shallow phonological awareness abilities such as word, syllable and rhyme awareness.
-Uses 4 to 5 word sentences using and forming compound sentences. Ex: "Look at my toy I got"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QQclp_a0Qc -
Preschool Pragmatics- 37 Months
Ethan can hold longer conversations and can initiate the conversation now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QQclp_a0Qc -
Preschool Semantics- 37 Months
Ethan can use pronouns like we, they, etc. For example: "Can we go outside?"
He is still learning and building his vocabulary rapidly. -
Preschool Pragmatics- 44 Months
He understands requests from pointing. For example he knows what his mom means when she points to his bed. He can understand more nonverbal cues such as a stern look from his mother means he is in trouble. -
Preschool Phonology- 44 Month
-Can say almost all consonants such as /r/ but may not have it mastered in all forms of context.
-Uses past tense in sentences. Ex: "I went to the park"
-Contraction words. Ex: "I don't like veggies!" -
Preschool Semantics- 44 Months
He understand some kinship words like brother, sister, aunt, and uncle and he understand that they are family. -
Preschool Pragmatics- 52 Months
He uses indirect request such as throwing a fit when he did not get the toy he wanted. -
Preschool Phonology- 52 Months
-Very intellagable in connected speech.
-Can use irregular plural forms. Ex: Can say "foot" and "feet" -
Preschool Semantics- 52 Months
Ethan can use 'do', 'does', 'did', and 'what' questions. He is able to ask "what does that do?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwXClLTA4kI -
Preschool Pragmatics- 60 Months
Ethan can introduce a topic and organize a narrative and its information in a way that the listener can follow but the narrative lacks a main character. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKem3KMJmxE
Helen telling a narrative. -
Preschool Semantics- 60 Months
Ethan's vocabulary has grown tremendously at this point. He is able to use the words 'there', 'here', 'that', etc. He is now able to express 1,500-2,000 words, and can comprehend 2,500-2,800 words. -
Preschool Phonology- 60 Months
-5 to 8 word sentences. Ex: "I want to go to the park"
-Can recognize the letters in his own name
-There is some substitution and fronting involved in Ethan’s speech. Ex: He is trying to say "Cat" but pronounces it as "Tat"