
Michelangelo Buonarroti

  • Mar 6, 1475

    Birth of Michelangelo Buonarroti

    Birth of Michelangelo Buonarroti
    Michelangelo was born at Caprese, a small village in Tuscany on March 6, 1475 (Santini). He was born to a family of moderate means in the banking business ("Michelangelo Biography'). On the day he was born his father noted down; "Today March 6, 1475, a child of the male sex has been born to me and i have named him Michelangelo. He was born on monday between 4 and 5 in the morning at Caprese where i am ine Podestá." Michelangelo called himself a "Son of Florence" ("Michelangelo").
  • Jan 1, 1476

    Printing press

    Printing press
    Caxton was an english businessman, royal advisor, translator, inventor, artist, and scientist. He had learned about printing in Cologne, Germany and in 1476 he set up england's first printing press. He printed many publications such as "The Recuyell" the first english printed book and "The Game and Play of Chess Moralised" which was the first book to use woodcut illustrations. Both of these works were printed previous to his own printing press,but he printed many books on his own press (Col).
  • Apr 1, 1488

    Studio of Domenico Ghirlando

    Studio of Domenico Ghirlando
    Michelangelo's father took him to the studio of Domenico Ghirlando, a famous artist. Here, michelangelo got taught art and also apprenticed for a salary. Painting was the main thing that Michelangelo and Domenico focussed on during learning. This is when he entered the world of art (Lace).
  • Jan 1, 1491

    Martin Behaim

    Martin Behaim
    Behaim, a German mapmaker, navigator, and merchant, was born in 1459. In 1491, he made the earliest globe called the Núrnberg Terrestrial Globe with assistance from Georg Glockendon. Previously Behaim was a merchant who sailed to Portugal. He began the construction of the globe when he reutrned to Núrnberg in 1490, which was very inaccurate. It was once thought that his maps may have influenced Columbus and Magellan, but they discounted that theory (Col).
  • Jan 1, 1491

    Madonna of the Stairs

    Madonna of the Stairs
    Michelangelo sculpted a very myserious piece in his teenage years, when he was around 16 years od. The sculpture shows a woman, Madonna, nursing a baby whose head is turned away and cannot be sean at any angle. We can infer that this shows protection, but Michelangelo's 'Madonna of the Stairs" is very mysterious because of the many parts of it that have confusing meaning, such as the stairs, or the muscular baby ("Michelangelo's Madonna").
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Christopher Columbus wanted fame and fortune. Fortunately, so did Spanish monarchs Ferdinand of Aargon and Isabella of Castile. Columbus believed it was easy to voyage by boat from Europe to Asia. He found in Audience in the Spanish monarchs. He set sail in August of 1492 on the Nina, The Pinta, and the SantaMaria. They accidentally discovered the Americas ("Christopher").
  • Jan 1, 1498

    The Pietá

    The Pietá
    Michelangelo began one of his commissions the Pietá (Orleans 2). A pietá is a sculpture, painting, or drawing of the dead Christ supported by the virgin Mary (Pietá). Michelangelo's sculpture showed the dead Christ across Mary's knees. The sculpture is located in St. Peter's. many different artists have porttrayed their own version of the Pietá, but Michelangelo's is the most famoud. This was his first important commission (Orleans 2).
  • Jul 6, 1501

    Commissioned to carve the David

    Commissioned to carve the David
    Michelangelo returned to Florence after a stay in Rome. He was recognized as the most talented sculptor of Central Italy. The amazing sculptor was then commissioned to carve the4 David for the Florence cathedral. The David was one of his most famous works, portraying him before the fight with Goliath (Santos).
  • Jan 25, 1504

    Completion of David

    Completion of David
    On January 25, 1504, Michelangelo completed his very important statue of David, the slayer of Goliath. It was installed outside the Palazzo Vecchio and became a symbol of the city. This challenged the power of Medici. It was the artwork that really made Michelangelo well-known and popular. The statue took 4 years to complete ("Michelangelo's David")
  • Oct 31, 1512

    Completion of the Sistine Chapel

    Completion of the Sistine Chapel
    On this day, Michelangelo finished the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. The visual portrayed Michelangelo's immagination. Twelve apostles morphed into more than 300 figures on the ceiling. He completed the ceiling by himself after firing every one of his workers ("Michelangelo").
  • Mar 16, 1521

    Ferdinand Magellan

    Ferdinand Magellan
    Magellan was the first European to reach the Philippines. The Island he reached was called Homonhon. By the time he got to that island, his crew was down to 150 men. Once there, there we indian tribes who spoke a different language, but luckily Ferdinand had a translator among his crew ('World").
  • Jan 1, 1532


    Michelangelo moves to Rome. He signs a contract with Julius for a smaller tomb for the Pope containing only 6 figures. Michelangelo is accused by the heirs of lying about the oney being received from the Pope for the tombs, and it really bothers him that he can prove his honesty in no way. It nearly drives him into despair ("Michelangelo Timeline").
  • Jan 1, 1547


    Michelangelo's good friend Colonna died this year. She was a great friend to Michelangelo and she inspired many of his poems and sonnets. In fact, he dedicated hundreds of these poems and sonnets to Colonna before she died and her death made him very sad ('Michelangelo Biography").
  • Sep 29, 1547

    Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

    Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
    Miguel was born on September 29, 1547. He later became a spanish novelist, poet, and playwright. It was he who wrote the famous Don Quixote, the first modern novel. His work is considered amongst the most important works in all Western literature. He ended up living an adventurous life ("World")
  • Jan 1, 1564


    This was when the first lead pencil was created, although it was not actually made with lead but with graphite found in England. The graphite was sawed into sheets and then cut into square rods. The grapghite rods were inserted into wooden holders which were handcarves, and this formed the pencil. At the time, graphite was called black lad which is why they call it a lead pencil. It looked and acted like lead, but graphite consisted of carbon rather than lead (Col).
  • Feb 18, 1564

    Death of Michelangelo

    Death of Michelangelo
    Michelangelo died on this date in Rome, Italy and was buried in Florence (Orleans 5). He was working on the Rondanini Pietá when he died. He was almost 90 years old (Santini).