Michael Smith 5 Honors US1.

  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    Non-slave states had to help in the returning of escaped slaves.
  • Cotton Gin invented

    Cotton Gin invented
    The cotton gin was invented in 1794 by Eli Whitney
  • Gabriel Prosser’s Rebellion

    Gabriel Prosser’s Rebellion
    Failed to gain control of the main road of Richmond Prosser's and 25 other slaves were executed
  • German Coast Uprising

    German Coast Uprising
    Several hundred, poorly armed, slaves march on
    New Orleans. More than 60 slaves died and the leaders of it got there heads stuck on poles.
  • Nat Turner’s Rebellion

    Nat Turner’s Rebellion
    Led a small group of followers, killed his owner, and killed 60 more white people the next 2 days
  • Edmund Ruffin reforms

    Edmund Ruffin reforms
    Ruffin reformed farmers to plow deeper furrows, rotate crops and to upgrade their breeding stock.
  • Slavery declines in Upper South

    Slavery declines in Upper South
    slave population makes up only half of the total percent it used to.And most small farmers didn't care about slavery