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Michael Jackson

  • Jackson 5

    Jackson 5
    History.comMichael is in a band with his sibilings until the late 70's
  • Michael Jackson King of pop

    Michael Jackson King of pop
    History.comHe creates his own music and gets known as "King of pop"
  • First Game

    First Game
    WikipediaMichael creates a game with Sega which is called "Michael Jackson Moonwalker"
  • At the superbowl

    At the superbowl
    WikipediaMichael is at the superbowl singing.
  • Supporting a game

    Supporting a game
    WikipediaMichael supports "Sonic the Hedgehog 3" with their soundtrack adding lyrics for a while. He got fired before the game came out.
  • Skin disease

    Skin disease
    WikipediaDuring the 90's and the beginning of the early 2000's Michael gets a rare skin diesase chaning his race color.
  • Court Case

    Court Case
    WikipediaMichael Jackson has a court case going on about a problem.
  • Death of Michael Jackson

    Death of Michael Jackson
    WikipediaWith a panic on breaking news, Michael Jackson is dead. Ever since his death, MTV and VH1 broadcast his music on television in July.