Mayors Against Illegal Guns
The mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, and the mayor of Boston, Thomas Menino, started a coalition of fifteen mayors to combat illegal gun violence in their cities. They created this organization because, as mayors, they have an up close and personal view of the violence in their cities. Mayors against Illegal Guns has now grown to more than 1,000 former and current mayors today. -
Bloomberg sues out of state gun dealers as mayor of NYC
A sting operation was put in place to catch illegal gun dealers form out of state in NYC. Fifteen dealers were caught improperly dealing a weapon to investigators. They will be sued for illegal sales in the state of New York. Fines for each violation vary, up to $10,000 for a first violation, $15,000 for a second, and $20,000 for a third. -
Bloomberg Talks to Obama Administration
Michael Bloomberg met with the Obama Administration and insisted that attention to gun violence should be at the top of President Obama's list. Bloomberg was quoted saying, “He’s president of the United States, and if he does nothing during his second term, something like 48,000 Americans will be killed with illegal guns.” -
Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America
Moms Demand Action was created in 2012 after the tragic shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary. The creator, Shannon Watts, combined forces with Michael Bloomberg to, "Unite a nationwide movement of millions of Americans working together to change the game and end the epidemic of gun violence that affects every community." (Moms Demand Action. para 2) -
Support for Assault Weapons Ban
Bloomberg stated that pro gun control reformers were "going to win" in their fight for an assault weapons ban. (Cirelli. para 1) The bill would have prevented the sale and regulated the manufacture of assault style weapons. It was defeated in the senate with a vote of 40 to 60. -
Bloomberg plans to make a gun control organization to combat the NRA
Bloomberg offered $50 million to create a group to take on the National Rifle Association. The new group is called Everytown for Gun Safety. His other groups Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America will be resurrected, revised,and placed under this new group. -
Bloomberg possible candidate for presidency
Bloomberg was a possibility for a presidential third party nominee. His platform would have been built on his accomplishments. His accomplishments include, a smoothly running economy, higher test scores in schools, and lower crime rates using tactics such as gun control. Unfortunately Bloomberg has a direct stand for gun control and that wouldn't sit well with some republican voters, and some of his other ventures such as big banks won't get democratic votes either. -
American Cities Initiative
Bloomberg Philanthropies launched a new $200 million program called the American Cities Initiative. The initiative hopes to empower cities all across America by encouraging city governments and mayors to find new solutions to problems such as addiction, climate change, and gun control. -
Bloomberg says he will match any donation made to end gun violence
Billionaire Michael Bloomberg promised that any donation made to his gun control group, Everytown for Gun Safety, he will match the price. He made this announcement after the fatal shooting at a concert in Las Vegas on October 1st of 2017. The shooting has reopened the conversations about Gun Control in America. -
Everytown for Gun Safety to fight "concealed carry reciprocity."
Everytown for Gun Safety's founder, Michael Bloomberg, is threatening to spend $25 million in races to prevent the spread of the bill "concealed carry reciprocity." This bill would allow concealed carriers to follow the rules regarding guns from the state they obtained it and not have to follow the rules of the state they are in. Bloomberg swears to fight this bill and stop it from becoming a law. -
www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/04/michael-bloomberg-is-starting-a-gun-control-organization-to-take-on-the-nra https://everytown.org/mayors/ https://momsdemandaction.org/ http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/354231-mike-bloomberg-offers-to-match-every-donation-to-fight-gun http://www.nytimes.com/2006/05/16/nyregion/16guns.html http://www1.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/news/133-08/mayor-bloomberg-settlements-five-additional-gun-dealers-named-new-york-city