Michaels biography

  • basic info

    hi im michael i was born august 30th 1850 i am 15 i work for the construction site in New York City. i came from Ireland to start a new life and get a better job. i wont be going back tho im at Ellis island right now tho
  • at work today

    So today i was at work some guy fell 10 stories to his death because the wind blew into him and tim my friend tim had a peice of iron fall onto his finger and cut it off. But our working conditions are really deadly. lunch time gotta go to lunch
  • jail

    Its been 2 weeks and over 10 irish guys died from falling from buildings. but i wasnt here for it i was in jail. I walked out the bar saw a chinese guy and i started hitting the guy and a cop came up and i punched him too i got mugshotted and i got arrested because assult of police officer.
  • hospital

    well i ended up going to the hospital because i chopped off my right thumb. i have to go back to work tomorrow tho its had to survive without a weeks pay. im in some major pain. ab for the pain i drink. gotta go to bed night
  • death

    Hi i am michaels wife i am writting this because michael aint here anymore. He fell from a skyscraper because a big bursrt of wind blew him he lost is balance and fell. funeral was horrible because we couldnt even have it open casket
  • Wife goes back home

    I am his wife i cant stay here anymore tho united states bye leaving to go back to my family im leaving this jornal here