*mi familia estaba muy feliz porque sabían q yo estaba en camino
*mi mami al tenerme en brazos lloro
*medi 50 cm y pese 3.830 g
*todo mundo decía que era una niña muy linda
*mi padre estaba muy contento al verme- my family was very happy because they knew I was on my way
- my mom to have me in my arms I cry
- medium 50 cm and weight 3.830 g
- everyone said it was a very cute girl
- my father was very happy to see me
- mi abuelito me consentía mucho
- me regalaron un conejito de peluche que todavía lo conservo
*antes de cumplir el año comencé a gatear
*empece a decir mis primeras palabras
*comencé a caminar - my grandpa would spoil me
- they gave me a stuffed bunny that I still have
- before I finished the year I started crawling
- I started saying my first words
*I started walking
*al cumplir dos años fue mi bautizo
*mis padrinos son mis tios
* era una niña muy feliz
*me consentian mucho
*tenia un muñequito que se llamaba benito pero se perdió- When I was two years old, it was my baptism
- my godparents are my uncles
- I was a very happy girl
- they allowed me a lot
- He had a little boy named Benito but he got lost
- en mi cumpleaños me hicieron una piñata
- ingrese al jardín donde compartí muchas cosas
*antes de cumplir los 3 estuve hospitalizada una semana
*mi mama me compro un triciclo muy lindo
*me llevaban a pasear - on my birthday they made me a piñata
- Enter the garden where I shared many things
- before I was 3 I was hospitalized a week
- my mom bought me a very nice tricycle
- they took me for a walk
*fue la primera vez que fuimos a piscilago
*estuvimos en el simón bolívar con mi mama y mi abuelita
*compartí mucho con mi amiga daniela
*me gustaba mirar televisión
*tenia como mascotas dos pollos que los llamaba pepe y yolanda- It was the first time we went to piscilago
- We were in the simón Bolívar with my mother and my grandmother
- I shared a lot with my friend Daniela
- I liked watching television
- had two chickens as pepe and yolanda
*entre al colegio tecnologico del sur
*conocí nuevas amigas en el cole
*nació mi hermano andrés, yo estaba feliz
*mi abuelito juan se murió 3 días después de nacer andrés
*se comieron a mis mascotas y llore mucho- enter the southern technological college
- I met new friends at school
- my brother Andrei was born, I was happy
- My grandfather Juan died 3 days after being born André
- They ate my pets and I cried a lot
*en mi cumpleaños mi mama me compro un vestido muy lindo
*me cambiaron de colegio
*estaba cursando primero primaria
*hice una presentación en el colegio
*fue un año difícil para nosotros porque mi mamá estaba sin trabajo- on my birthday my mom bought me a very cute dress
- they changed my school
- I was attending primary school
- I made a presentation at school
- It was a difficult year for us because my mom was out of work
*cambie de dientes
*me cambiaron de colegio y estaba en el bosco
*estaba 2 grado
*me compraron unos aretes de flores muy lindos
*me gustaba jugar con mis primos- change teeth
- they changed my school and I was in the forest
- was 2 degree
- they bought me some pretty flower earrings
- I liked playing with my cousins
*curse 3 de primaria
*me gustaba ir mucho a cine
*me gustaba mucho el agua e ir a piscina
*jugaba con mis amigas y jugar futbol
*tuve mi primer uniforme de futbol- Primary school 3
- I liked going to the movies a lot
- I really liked the water and go to the pool
- I played with my friends and played soccer
- I had my first football uniform
*cursaba 4 de primaria
*hice mi primera comunión
*me compraron 2 vestidos uno blanco y uno rojo
*me regalaron una cajita de aretes muy lindos
*tenia unos zapatos muy lindos- 4 primary school
- I made my first communion
- they bought me 2 dresses one white and one red
- they gave me a box of very cute earrings
- had some very cute shoes
*curse 5 primaria
*fue mi graduacion de primaria
*me gustaba ir a la oficina a ayudar a mi mama
*no hablaba casi con mi papa
*fuimos de vacaciones a villavicencio- elementary school 5
- it was my elementary school graduation
- I liked going to the office to help my mom
- I did not talk almost with my dad
- We went on vacation to Villavicencio
*entre a grado sexto
*me compraron un collar muy lindo
*estuvimos en villavicencio y nos pusimos a jugar fútbol con toma mi familia
*tenia un uniforme morado con negro muy lindo
*tuve mi primer celular- enter to sixth grade
- they bought me a very cute necklace
- We were in Villavicencio and we started playing soccer with my family
- I had a purple uniform with very cute black
- I had my first cell phone
*estaba en grado séptimo
*tuvimos una fiesta con la profesora elizabeth
*fuimos de vacaciones a ráquira
*fuimos a villavicencio
*fue mi desarrollo- was in seventh grade
- we had a party with professor elizabeth
- we went on vacation to rapier
- We went to Villavicencio
- it was my development
*estaba en octavo grado
*tuve demasiados problemas
*baje mis calificaciones
*estuvimos de paseo
*estuve en un hospital por practicar el cutting- was in eighth grade
- I had too many problems
- lower my qualifications
- we went for a walk
- I was in a hospital for practicing cutting
*tuve q repetir año
*conocí a mis nuevas amigas
*tengo nuevos compañeros
*vamos mucho a mesitas
*vamos a jugar fútbol demasiado- I had to repeat year
- I met my new friends
- I have new colleagues
- we go a lot to tables
- Let's play football too
mi futuro
*cumplir mis metas
*tener un equipo de fútbol
*estar en una academia de baile
*terminar mis estudios
*sacar adelante a mi familia
*ser una gran bailarina y/o futbolista *reach my goals
* have a soccer team
* be in a dance academy
* finish my studies
* bring my family forward
* be a great dancer and / or footballer