MGRP - Age of Reform

By quastta
  • The Underground Railroad begins

    Slaves begin escaping
  • The temperance movement begins

  • Abolitionists become more heard of

    Riots and conventions take place
  • Anti Slavery Society is founded

  • Great Britian abolishes slavery in colonies

  • Frederick Douglas escapes slavery and goes to New York

  • An institute is created for slaves

    This is a safe place for them to go while they adjust to freedom
  • Senca Falls Convention

    People start to agree including some men resulting in women's rights to be expanded slowly in some states
  • Alliance is formed with abolitionists and feminists

    Slaves publish stories and the congress passed fugitive slave act
  • Harriet Tubman escapes

  • First probation law is passed

  • Second Women Convention

    Soon women are able to publish in the newspaper
  • 13 states enact the probation of alcohol

  • Period: to

    Civil War Begins

    Underground railroad and sufferage act on pause
  • 14th ademendment is ratified

    Citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws
  • Important people start to join the temperance movement

    in 1869 and 1917 which caused other people who looked up to the famous people to join also
  • The Underground Railroad ends

    The 15th amendment is passed, African American men can vote
  • Period: to

    Change is on the rise

    Women's rights begin to expand everywhere and the 19th Amendment is under ratification (women can vote)
    The probation begins
  • Change has arrived!

    Women can vote and the resistance of substance has become important
  • End of Prohibition for Alcohol