Period: 250 to
Mayan Civilization
Relgion helped the Mayan society to first grow corn -
Jan 1, 1200
Aztec Civilization
The Aztec conquered a large empire in central Mexico -
May 16, 1519
Cortes's Arrival
Cortes' helped defeat the Aztecs -
Jan 1, 1521
Defeat of the Aztecs
The Spanish army led by Cortes. Then the Spanyerds defeated the Aztecs -
Period: Jan 1, 1535 to
New Spain
Spain made Mexico a colony -
Independance from Spain
They exuecuted Hioglo but the reblion still went on. -
New Spain
Period: to
Battle of Alamo
Mexican army attacked the Alamo Mission near San Antonio de Béxar and killed all of the Texian guards except 2 of them -
Battle of Alamo
Mexican American War
Mexico gave up there claims to Texas, forced to sell, California, Utah, Nevada, Colorado, Wyoming, Arizona, and New Mexico -
Battle of Puebla
In the city of Puebla Mexicans and the French faught. At the end of the war the Mexicans ended up victorious -
Period: to
Mexican Revoluation
Poor Mexicans became angry discontent exploded in revoluation -
Mexican Revoluation
Mayan Calendar