Imagen 2022 02 02 124543

Mexico time line

  • Mexico declares its independence and a period of regencies begins

    Mexico declares its independence and a period of regencies begins
    The revolutionary movement leading to independence and initially characterized by its socio-revolutionary forces is eliminated by the upper classes of society,
    conservative and of Spanish origin.
  • The Constitutive Act establishes the First Republic

    The Constitutive Act establishes the First Republic
    It is aproved
    a Constitution that deposits the executive power in the President of the United Mexican States.
  • Mexico adopts the federal form of government.

    Mexico adopts the federal form of government.
    period starts
    of the second federal republic (1846-1853). The war with the United States begins, which lasts until 1948.
  • After the war with the United States, Mexico ceded half of its national territory (Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Utah, Nevada and part of the state of Colorado).

    After the war with the United States, Mexico ceded half of its national territory (Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Utah, Nevada and part of the state of Colorado).
  • Period: to

    Period of dictatorship of Antonio López de Santa Anna.

  • Period: to

    Reform period

    liberals prevail over conservatives. The Ayutla Revolution put an end to the dictatorship of Santa Anna. The War of Reform followed one another, the establishment
    of the Second Mexican Empire and the republican resistance led by Benito Juárez
  • Period: to

    Benito Juárez, first magistrate and coming from a family indigenous, becomes president

    His mandate, characterized by liberal reforms, is interrupted due to the armed intervention of France. Archduke Maximilian of Austria,
    Invested by Napoleon III as Emperor of Mexico, he is defeated by Juárez (supported by the United States) and shot in
    1867. The church loses its political influence
  • Period: to

    Under the dictatorship of President Porfirio Díaz, the industrialization of the country begins, with the help of foreign investments.

    begins to depend economically on the United States.
  • Period: to

    A civil war breaks out

    The revolution, supported by the peasants (Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa), the workers and the
    progressive bourgeois forces, obtains victory and at the end of
    the twenties leads to the so-called "institutional revolution" (the
    which gave its name to the Mexican ruling party).
  • Start of the Mexican Revolution, caused by discontent among peasants and urban workers, who are directed by Emiliano Zapata.

    Start of the Mexican Revolution, caused by discontent among peasants and urban workers, who are directed by Emiliano Zapata.
    The "Plan de San Luis", manifesto of Francisco Ignacio Madero, considered as the leader of the beginning of the
    revolution, calls to rise up in arms. The initial motivation of
    uprising is to overthrow President Porfirio Díaz and establish free and democratic elections.
  • The dictator Porfirio Díaz is overthrown. Francisco I. Madero assumes the presidency of Mexico.

    The dictator Porfirio Díaz is overthrown. Francisco I. Madero assumes the presidency of Mexico.
    His tenure is characterized by
    head a democratic government concerned with improving
    living conditions of Mexicans. However, it fails
    these improvements, leading to the rise of the revolutionary movements of Emiliano Zapata, Pancho Villa and Pascual Orozco.
  • President Francisco Madero is assassinated. Victorian Orchard take power.

    President Francisco Madero is assassinated. Victorian Orchard take power.
  • A new constitution is adopted, the goal of which is to guarantee a permanent democracy in Mexico. The Constitution is still valid

    A new constitution is adopted, the goal of which is to guarantee a permanent democracy in Mexico. The Constitution is still valid
  • The Partido Oficialista Revolucionario is founded, which from 1946 renamed the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).

    The Partido Oficialista Revolucionario is founded, which from 1946 renamed the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).
  • Mexico enters World War II alongside the allies and declares war on Japan and Germany, after that German submarines sink two tankers in the Gulf of Mexico. Mexico increases its export of raw materials to the United States.

    Mexico enters World War II alongside the allies and declares war on Japan and Germany, after that German submarines sink two tankers in the Gulf of Mexico. Mexico increases its export of raw materials to the United States.
  • Period: to

    The reforms expand the space of freedoms of Mexicans

    despite the wealth in oil, social inequalities continue to exist (10% of the population collects the
    60% of income).
  • Mexico joins the United Nations.

    Mexico joins the United Nations.
  • US President Barack Obama signs a law that allocates 600 million dollars to strengthen police control of the border with Mexico, with the aim of stemming the flow of illegal immigrants.

    US President Barack Obama signs a law that allocates 600 million dollars to strengthen police control of the border with Mexico, with the aim of stemming the flow of illegal immigrants.
  • The candidate of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) Enrique Peña Nieto wins the presidential elections

    The candidate of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) Enrique Peña Nieto wins the presidential elections
    defeating the
    veteran candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador and putting
    end to 12 years of government of the National Action Party (PAN).
    Thousands of citizens take to the streets to protest the
    alleged vote-buying by the PRI, while López
    Obrador launches a legal challenge to the result
  • Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, leader of the Sinaloa cartel, is arrested after a Navy operation in the city of Mazatlán.

    Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, leader of the Sinaloa cartel, is arrested after a Navy operation in the city of Mazatlán.
  • Three students from the Rural Normal School of Ayotzinapa in Iguala, Guerrero, they are assassinated, along with three other civilians. Another 43 students are reported missing

    Three students from the Rural Normal School of Ayotzinapa in Iguala, Guerrero, they are assassinated, along with three other civilians. Another 43 students are reported missing