Mexico History

  • Jan 26, 1500

    Mexico History

    Mexico History
    Located in the Palacio Nacional, it represents the prehispanic a culture and how it was their social organization. In the center it's Quetzalcoatl, the most important character in the prehispanic time. These mural is to represent how rich was the people in that time and how it made possible our actual cultural richer.
  • Jan 26, 1510

    Aztecs Life

    Aztecs Life
    Here, Rivera represents something that used to be a typical scene in Mexico City. The barter was the beginning of the economic in Mexico, the image shows how it was at the Tlatelolcos Market. Actually the markets are keep working at Mexico, some of the old ones are currently open.
  • Jan 26, 1521

    Guerrero Indio

    Guerrero Indio
    This mural takes up the Spanish Conquest at the beginning of 16 century. In this mural we can see a warrior dress like a jaguar, he is stabbing a knife in the throat of the Spanish Soldier. The disconcerting vision of righteous violence describe the Mexican revolution and for their constant fighting.
  • "Mural at Palacio Nacional"

    "Mural at Palacio Nacional"
    The entire Mexico history, up to the Independence, Benito Juarez and also some part of the Revolution. Here are the most important actions in Mexico that made what we are now, this mural shows our cultural base. It's from where the Mexicans came out, our origins, the mix between the prehispanic and the after colony times, the Mexicans are the result of these cultures making one richer. It's so important that the mural is in the Palacio Nacional because there is where the representation.
  • Liberacion del Peon

    Liberacion del Peon
    In this mural we can see a labour, torture, is descended from a comprehensive post by revolutionary soldiers , serving this broken body. The mural represents the peonage and also the the injustice of the social and economic conditions that prevailed as a justification of the Mexican Revolution.
  • Zapata Lider Agrario

    Zapata Lider Agrario
    In this mural we can see Emiliano Zapata (Referent of the Mexican revolution) directing directing rebel army of peasants carrying makeshift weapons. Although the newspapers portrayed him as a the bad guy, Rivera immortalized him as a hero and glorify the Revolution win.
  • Caña de Azucar

    Caña de Azucar
    This mural represents the labor and racial tensions as well as those caused by inequalities that exist in the Post-Revolutionary Mexico. In this mural we can see people with typical dress of that age and the activities they realized to survive. Diego adapts Marxist ideas about the class struggle.
  • "Sunday afternoon dreaming at the Alameda Central"

    "Sunday afternoon dreaming at the Alameda Central"
    Rivera really worked so hard in put together almost the entire Mexican history and culture since the prehispanic up to those days . Everything that represent our culture it's right there, such as all the kind of racism and classism is represented. Actually, the Alameda Central was the point where everyone could be together, even though you were an indigean or the richest man in Mexico.
  • El Levantamiento

    El Levantamiento
    In this mural we can see the people defending of the soldier´s attacks. This scene is develops in Mexico or in in other Latin American country. At the beginning of the 30s, it was an era when labor unrest prevailed. The fight that is represented here is a powerful universal symbol of the class struggle.
  • Mural SEP Office

    Mural SEP Office
    When the SEP started, the only point was to create an identity where all the Mexicans could now and identify themselves as a nation. So, most of the murals are showing the Mexican culture, differences, similar things, etc. This is important to define a culture to join everyone.