
Mexico Between The Wars

By Moesly
  • Mexican Revolution

     Mexican Revolution
    Was a major armed struggle that started in 1910, with an uprising led by Francisco I. Madero against longtime autocrat Porfirio Díaz, and lasted for the better part of a decade until around 1920.
  • The Tampico Affair

    The Tampico Affair
    An incident in Tampico, Tamaulipas, between United States Navy sailors and Mexican troops, occurred. It resulted in the severing of diplomatic relations between Mexico and the United States.
  • Period: to

    Mexico timespan

  • Zapata Assaination

    Zapata Assaination
    Zapata a leader of peasants was shot to death in Morelos by government forces
  • Third Battle of Ciudad Juarez

    Third Battle of Ciudad Juarez
    the final major battle involving the rebels of Francisco "Pancho" Villa. It began on June 15, 1919 when Villa attempted to capture the border city of Ciudad Juarez from the Mexican Army. During the engagement, the Villistas provoked an intervention by the United States Army forces protecting the neighboring city of El Paso, Texas.
  • The Northern Dynasty

    The Northern Dynasty
    Carranza failed into a immediate social reforms, general Obergon enlisted other powers northern Mexico chieftains, Plutarco Elias Callrs and Adolfo de la Huerta, to join him.
  • The Plan of Agua Prieta

    The Plan of Agua Prieta
    The Plan called for the Carranza administration had a despute between the federal the federal government and the Sonora state government over control of waters of the Rio Sonora
  • Obregon Government

    Obregon Government
    Domestic affairs puts into place agrarian reforms, and gave sanction of peasants and labored organizations.
  • Period: to

    Cristero Wars

    A civil war broke out when the Catholic Rebels did not like the new constitution made by the dictatorship.
  • Mexican general election

    Mexican general election
    Alvaro Obregón was the only candidate in the presidential elections, and was elected unopposed.[1] He was assassinated just 16 days later, and Emilio Portes Gil was appointed to serve as interim president in his place.,_1928
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    Brought Mexico a sharp drop in national income and internal demand after 1929, challenging the country's ability to fulfill its constituial mandate to promote social equity.