
By Digg26
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    The Santa Fe aqueduct is inaugurated

    Together with that of Chapultepec, it will provide water to the still called city of Tenochtitlán for the source of the Tlaxpana or the Musicians.
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    The first temple collapses

    From Santo Domingo in the square of the same name
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    Chapultepec Castle is built

    By the viceroy of New Spain and ends in 1788
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    Mexico's independence

    The Mexican independence movement is framed by the Enlightenment and the liberal revolutions of the latter part of the 18th century. At that time, the enlightened elite began to reflect on Spain's relations with its colonies.
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    Consummation of independence

    Mexico City the Trigarante Army, after more than ten years of insurgent struggle to achieve the Independence of Mexico. Throughout this process, the great caudillos who led the movement -Hidalgo, López Rayón and Morelos, among others-, were apprehended and shot by the royalists. In the last stage of this feat, Vicente Guerrero stood out.
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    American intervention in Mexico

    known in Mexico as the American intervention in Mexico, it was a warlike conflict that confronted both countries between the years of 1846 and 1848.
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    in the year 1900

    Certain branches of agriculture began to develop whose production was destined for export, such as henequen, cane, tobacco and rubber.
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    Es abierta la Universidad Nacional de México

    It is formed with different higher schools that are scattered throughout the city.
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    Mexican Revolution

    The antecedents of the conflict go back to the situation in Mexico under the Porfiriato. From 1876 he exercised power in the country in a dictatorial manner.
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    Political Constitution of the United Mexican States

    Among the changes with respect to the Constitution of 1857, are the elimination of the re-election of the President of the Republic and the position of Vice President, as well as the creation of the free municipality.
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    The crash of 1929

    The market becomes saturated and there is a drop in sales, bank indebtedness, a decrease and paralysis of industrial activities, unemployment, a decrease in purchases and an almost complete saturation of the market, in a spiral of recession
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    On October 24, 1929, the New York Stock Exchange crashed.

    Paralysis of exports to the rest of Latin America and the fall in the prices of raw materials worldwide to the crisis. To stop the collapse of prices, thousands of tons of agricultural products are destroyed in the United States, Europe and Latin America
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    Cardenas Period

    At the end of the Great Depression, relevant changes began to take place in Mexico, during the administration of President Lázaro Cárdenas the Agrarian Reform (1935) began, the oil industry and the railways were nationalized. A nationalist development project was developed with autonomy from abroad. This structural change leads to the participation of the government as an active promoter of change and development.
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    Beginnings of the Substitute Industrialization Model (1940-1955)

    In order to promote industrialization in Mexico, some organizations were created, such as: Sosa Texcoco, (1940); the IMSS (1942); Blast Furnaces of Mexico, (1942); Copper from Mexico, (1943); Guanos and Fertilizers from Mexico, (1943); and NAFIN (Nacional Financiera) was also reorganized, in order to support industrialization and revitalize the State's productive apparatus, in order to benefit the country's private initiative.
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    MIS crisis

    During the period of Luis Echeverría (1970-1976), the crisis was felt, due to all the economic irregularities that had been dragging on from previous six-year terms, such as heavy public spending, foreign debt, and a strong deficit in the balance of payments. , creating an adverse situation for the economy, characterized by a notable growth in inflation, the peso was devalued, food imports increased, foreign debt and capital flight grew.
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    The Neoliberal Model in Mexico (1982-current)

    For the 1982-1988 period, the six-year term governed by Miguel De La Madrid Hurtado, an economy oriented towards the international market began, since it was seen as the only way out of the recession and stagnation of productive activity in our country, a stage characterized by hyperinflation (levels up to 3 digits), and considered as a lost decade, produced by a foreign debt and oil crisis.
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    In the year 1986

    A stage of privatization of parastatal companies begins, and an economic policy that adheres to the Neoliberal model based on the internal and external free market, where import tariffs were reduced and tariff barriers were eliminated, Mexico adheres to the GATT in 1986 (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade).
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    In the year of 1994

    In this same six-year term, the creation of the Derivatives Market, called MexDer, which is an options and futures exchange within the BMV, and this Derivatives Market "constitutes one of the most significant advances in the process of development and internationalization of the Mexican Financial System”
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    In the year of 1996

    Mexico shows signs of economic recovery, and achieving economic stabilization in 1997, which has been maintained until today.
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    Elections of July 2, 2000

    They represented a dream for the Mexican population under the many promises of President Fox.
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    In the year 2018

    The reality that we Mexicans live today only translates into political discontent, since there is no real support for small and medium-sized companies, high rates of real unemployment, closure of more dependencies that previously tried to promote something, or they simply represented sources of work, the Federal Government argues a financial crisis in the IMSS (Mexican Institute of Social Security) and they want to privatize it, corruption scandals, diplomatic break with Cuba
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    In the year 2021

    In addition to the internal problems, the influences of instability from abroad are also clearly felt, such as the economic slowdown in the United States of America, as well as the collateral problems of the invasion of Iraq and its relationship with Terrorism.