Mexico 1821-1872

By sjn258
  • Independence day

    Independence day
    Mexico gets independence from Spain
  • 1824 Constitution

    1824 Constitution
    Mexico creates their first constitution
  • First President

    First President
    Guadalupe Victoria becomes the first mexican president
  • Pastry War

    Pastry War
    After a war, mexico looses the finala battle against france and agrees on paying 600,000 pesos worth of damage.
  • Battle of Chapultepec

    Battle of Chapultepec
    USA invaded mexico, Mexican forces defended the Chapultepec Castle, just outside Mexico City.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe

    Treaty of Guadalupe
    peace treaty signed in Guadalupe Hidalgo, between the United States and Mexico that ended the Mexican–American War.
  • Plan of ayutla

    Plan of ayutla
    plan to remove conservative, centralist President Antonio López de Santa Anna from control of Mexico.
  • Reform Laws

    Reform Laws
    Benito Juárez proclaimed the reform laws that limited the privileges of the Catholic Church and the military. The laws also limited the ability of Catholic Church and indigenous communities from collectively holding land.
  • Maximilian I

    Maximilian I
    Second mexican emperor proclaimed by france, which started the second imperium in Mexico, which was favored to France.
  • Second Imperium Fall

    Second Imperium Fall
    Maximilian was captured by mexican, was taken to "Cerro de las Campanas" and was fusilated, Benito Juares becames president again.