Mexican Revolution of 1910

  • Period: to

    Mexican Revolution

  • Porfiriato

    Porfirio Diaz takes power as president although he is described as more of a fictator than a president
  • Letter from Jail

    Madero writes a letter "from jail" calling out Diaz for his 'so called' no reelection policy. He then proceeds to claim Diaz's reign to be illegal and wrong.
  • Madero

    Madero runs against Diaz for presidency. Diaz has him jailed on election day and wins by a rigged "landslide"
  • Taking up arms

    Madero supporter Torinio Ortega took up arms to overthrow the reign of Diaz
  • Treaty Of Cuidad Juarez

    After defeating the federal army, Madero signs the Treaty Of Cuidad Juarez. Demands Diaz step down and run a fair election.
  • coup d'état

    Gen. Huerta was appointed as military commander when Madero took office. After a stalemate with Felix Diaz (Relative of the former Diaz), Huerta planned and overthrew Madero
  • Port of Veracruz

    United States occupies the port of Veracruz to cut off German aid to Huerta. Huerta's situation got worse and he stepped down and fled to Puetrto Mexico
  • Carranza

    Venustiano Carranza takes power and throw Villa out of power. Power is contested between these two forces.
  • Battle of Celaya

    Villa participates in what is considered one of the most important wars of the Revolution. This battle lasted 2 days.
  • Election

    Carranza was elected in a fair election to president
  • End of War

    Creation of Partido National Revolutionary Party. The war had drawn to a full close and the government started in on land reform and giving back to the people
  • Plan of Agua Prieta

    Revolt was led against Carranza by his general of Navy and Adolfo Huerta